我在 Eclipse 中使用 JWI 在 Mac 上访问 WordNet。我按照这个例子:

package tutorial;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import edu.mit.jwi.*;
import edu.mit.jwi.item.IIndexWord;
import edu.mit.jwi.item.IWord;
import edu.mit.jwi.item.IWordID;
import edu.mit.jwi.item.POS;

public class ExampleWordnet {

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{

    //construct URL to WordNet Dictionary directory on the computer
    String wordNetDirectory = "/Users/Laura/Documents/WordNet-3.0";
    //String path = wordNetDirectory + File.separator + "dict";
    URL url = new URL("file", null, wordNetDirectory);

    //construct the Dictionary object and open it
    IDictionary dict = new Dictionary(url);

    // look up first sense of the word "dog "
    IIndexWord idxWord = dict.getIndexWord ("dog", POS.NOUN );
    IWordID wordID = idxWord.getWordIDs().get(0) ;
    IWord word = dict.getWord (wordID);         
    System.out.println("Id = " + wordID);
    System.out.println(" Lemma = " + word.getLemma());
    System.out.println(" Gloss = " + word.getSynset().getGloss());      
}    }


Exception in thread "main" edu.mit.jwi.data.IHasLifecycle$ObjectClosedException
at edu.mit.jwi.CachingDictionary.checkOpen(CachingDictionary.java:111)
at edu.mit.jwi.CachingDictionary.getIndexWord(CachingDictionary.java:172)
at tutorial.ExampleWordnet.main(ExampleWordnet.java:28)



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