How can I get index names for an Access table using OLEDB or SQL ?
(I searched a lot on the internet in the last two days and did not find anything related to this issue.)
How can I get index names for an Access table using OLEDB or SQL ?
(I searched a lot on the internet in the last two days and did not find anything related to this issue.)
OleDbConnection 有一个名为GetSchema的方法,该方法接受一个字符串来选择要检索的元数据集合。
字符串参数的一些可能值是 Tables、Columns、Indexes
using(OleDbConnection cnn = new OleDbConnection("...."))
DataTable schemaIndexes = cnn.GetSchema("Indexes");
foreach(DataRow row in schemaIndexes.Rows)
Console.WriteLine("Table={0}, Index={1} on field={2}",