我在过去的 2.5 个小时里创建了这个链表,并试图理解为什么它没有将内存地址传递给链表的头部。在我开始学习我的班级正在学习 Java 中的数据结构之前,我试图理解 C 中的链表。我查看了其他问题,但我不明白为什么它不起作用。请原谅我一直在努力理解一切的评论。提前感谢您的时间和帮助!
新赋值后head变量等于NULL head = addFamMember(NULL); 在主线程中。但是我可以通过打印它的成员(名称、年龄和下一个指针)看到在 add 函数内部分配了内存。这是输出:
Enter command to add, print, or quit: add
Enter name and age: brett 28
Added:brett Age:28 POINTING to:(null)
Enter command to add, print, or quit:
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
typedef struct S_Family{
char name[16];
int age;
struct S_Family *next;
Family *addFamMember (Family *previous);
void CleanUp(Family *start);
void PrintList(Family *start);
int main(){
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
printf("Enter command to add, print, or quit: ");
char input[16]; //fgets var to store input
char command[16]; //sscanf var to store read info from input
Family *head = NULL; //For a linked list we need to set up the first node and point it NULL
Family *newest = NULL; //We also need a pointer dedicated to updating the latest created node
//This while loop will continue to get input until the command "quit" is typed
//It includes the functionality of printing the list and adding new nodes
while( fgets(input, 15, stdin)){
sscanf(input, "%s", command);
if ( strcmp(command, "quit") == 0) {
} else if ( strcmp(command, "print") == 0) {
} else if ( strcmp(command, "add") == 0) {
if ( head = NULL){
head = addFamMember(NULL); //If there are no nodes give head a memory address so now we do (recursion somewhat?)
printf("head:%s ", head->name); //this doesn't print!! Head = NULL above for some reason.
newest = head; //newest cannot stay equal to NULL. this allows us to pass it as a param to add function w/out the start being NULL anymore
printf("newest:%s ", newest->name);
} else {
newest = addFamMember(newest); //Recursion where the new node gets a mem address and gets the previous node as guide to cont. the list
} //now we go to the add function
printf("\nEnter command to add, print, or quit: ");
return 0;
/*We want to return a new family member structure
so we start of with a Family return type. The param
as mentioned before needs to be a pointer to the address
of the previous node. That node will be pushed away from the
NULL in a singly or doubly linked list */
Family *addFamMember (Family *previous) {
/*Now we need to get the member variable info for that newFamMember
and store into the newly created data structure newFamMember*/
char input[16];
printf("Enter name and age: ");
fgets(input,15, stdin);
Family *newFamMember = malloc(sizeof(Family)); //create new address for newFamMember
sscanf(input, "%s %d", newFamMember->name, &newFamMember->age); //takes the input (first a string then a integer) and stores it into its proper place
printf("Added:%s Age:%d POINTING to:%S \n\n",newFamMember->name,newFamMember->age, newFamMember->next->name);
newFamMember->next = NULL; //initialize it's pointer member var but more importantly maintains the linked list by pointing to null.
/*Now we tell the computer what to do if this isn't the first node
or not. If it is then there isn't a previous node so there is no
way to set any other nodes' pointers to point to something else*/
if ( previous != NULL){
previous->next = newFamMember; //if previous is not equal to NULL set the previous' next pointer to newFamMember
printf("previous:%s ", previous->next->name);
return newFamMember; //we always want to return a newly added family member. That's this function's purpose
/*now we can print the list*/
void PrintList (Family *head) { //start is a pointer so we can pass the value of start
Family *currentMember = head; //we create currentMember and set it equal to start so we can iterate through the list and print each one
int count = 0;
if (currentMember == NULL){
printf("There are no family members\n");
while (currentMember != NULL) {
printf("\n\nmember:%d Name:%s Age:%2d POINTING TO:%s\n",
count, currentMember->name,
currentMember = currentMember->next; //move to the next node in the list headed towards NULL
void CleanUp(Family *head){
Family *freeMe = head;
Family *holdMe = NULL;
while(freeMe != NULL) {
holdMe = freeMe->next;
printf("\nFree Name:%s Age:%d\n",
freeMe = holdMe;