我是新来的。我正在使用 FFT,我需要编写一个简单的代码,但它不起作用。我需要用 cufft a sin(x) 进行变换并返回,但在变换之间,我需要将结果乘以 2,这样,当我使用逆变换返回结果时,我将得到 2*sin( x) 例如。使用 fftw.h,我只需将我的 d_signal[i] 乘以 2,当我返回时,我有 2*sin(x),但我曾经使用 complex.h。任何想法?谢谢。
# define SIGNAL_SIZE 64
# define PI acos(-1.0)
# define x 2*PI/SIGNAL_SIZE
void runTest(int argc, char **argv)
printf("[simpleCUFFT] is starting...\n");
findCudaDevice(argc, (const char **)argv);
// Allocate host memory for the signal
cufftComplex *h_signal = (Complex *)malloc(sizeof(Complex) * SIGNAL_SIZE);
cufftComplex *h_reversed_signal = (Complex *)malloc(sizeof(Complex) * SIGNAL_SIZE);
// Initalize the memory for the signal
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SIGNAL_SIZE; ++i)
h_signal[i].x = sin(i*x);
h_signal[i].y = 0;
cufftComplex *d_signal;
checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc((void **)&d_signal, SIGNAL_SIZE*sizeof(cufftComplex)));
// Copy host memory to device
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy(d_signal, h_signal, SIGNAL_SIZE*sizeof(cufftComplex),
cufftHandle plan;
checkCudaErrors(cufftPlan1d(&plan, SIGNAL_SIZE, CUFFT_C2C, 1));
// Transform signal and kernel
printf("Transforming signal cufftExecC2C\n");
checkCudaErrors(cufftExecC2C(plan, (cufftComplex *)d_signal, (cufftComplex *)d_signal, CUFFT_FORWARD));
getLastCudaError("Kernel execution failed [ ComplexPointwiseMulAndScale ]");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SIGNAL_SIZE; ++i)
d_signal[i].x = 2*d_signal[i].x;
d_signal[i].y = 2*d_signal[i].y;
// Transform signal back
printf("Transforming signal back cufftExecC2C\n");
checkCudaErrors(cufftExecC2C(plan, (cufftComplex *)d_signal, (cufftComplex *)d_signal, CUFFT_INVERSE));
// Copy device memory to host
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy(h_reversed_signal, d_signal, SIGNAL_SIZE*sizeof(cufftComplex),
// check result
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SIGNAL_SIZE; ++i)
h_reversed_signal[i].x = h_reversed_signal[i].x / (float)SIGNAL_SIZE;
h_reversed_signal[i].y = h_reversed_signal[i].y/(float)SIGNAL_SIZE;
printf("first : %f %f after %f %f \n", h_signal[i].x, h_signal[i].y, h_reversed_signal[i].x, h_reversed_signal[i].y);
bool bTestResult = sdkCompareL2fe((float *)h_reversed_signal, (float *)h_signal, 2 * SIGNAL_SIZE, 1e-5f);
//Destroy CUFFT context
// cleanup memory
// Pad data
int PadData(const Complex *signal, Complex **padded_signal, int signal_size,
const Complex *filter_kernel, Complex **padded_filter_kernel, int filter_kernel_size)
int minRadius = filter_kernel_size / 2;
int maxRadius = filter_kernel_size - minRadius;
int new_size = signal_size + maxRadius;
// Pad signal
Complex *new_data = (Complex *)malloc(sizeof(Complex) * new_size);
memcpy(new_data + 0, signal, signal_size * sizeof(Complex));
memset(new_data + signal_size, 0, (new_size - signal_size) * sizeof(Complex));
*padded_signal = new_data;
// Pad filter
new_data = (Complex *)malloc(sizeof(Complex) * new_size);
memcpy(new_data + 0, filter_kernel + minRadius, maxRadius * sizeof(Complex));
memset(new_data + maxRadius, 0, (new_size - filter_kernel_size) * sizeof(Complex));
memcpy(new_data + new_size - minRadius, filter_kernel, minRadius * sizeof(Complex));
*padded_filter_kernel = new_data;
return new_size;
// includes, system
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
// includes, project
#include <cufft.h>
#include <helper_functions.h>
#include <helper_cuda.h>
// Complex data type
typedef float2 Complex;
// Filtering functions
void Convolve(const Complex *, int, const Complex *, int, Complex *);
// Padding functions
int PadData(const Complex *, Complex **, int,
const Complex *, Complex **, int);
// declaration, forward
void runTest(int argc, char **argv);
// The filter size is assumed to be a number smaller than the signal size
#define SIGNAL_SIZE 32
#define PONTOS 32
#define PI acos(-1)
#define dx 2*PI/PONTOS
// Program main
int main(int argc, char **argv)
runTest(argc, argv);
//! Run a simple test for CUDA
void runTest(int argc, char **argv)
printf("[simpleCUFFT] is starting...\n");
findCudaDevice(argc, (const char **)argv);
// Allocate host memory for the signal
cufftComplex *h_signal = (Complex *)malloc(sizeof(Complex) * SIGNAL_SIZE);
cufftComplex *h_reversed_signal = (Complex *)malloc(sizeof(Complex) * SIGNAL_SIZE);
// Initalize the memory for the signal
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SIGNAL_SIZE; ++i)
h_signal[i].x = rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
h_signal[i].y = sin(i*dx);;
cufftComplex *d_signal;
checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc((void **)&d_signal, SIGNAL_SIZE*sizeof(cufftComplex)));
// Copy host memory to device
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy(d_signal, h_signal, SIGNAL_SIZE*sizeof(cufftComplex),
cufftHandle plan;
checkCudaErrors(cufftPlan1d(&plan, SIGNAL_SIZE, CUFFT_C2C, 1));
// Transform signal and kernel
printf("Transforming signal cufftExecC2C\n");
checkCudaErrors(cufftExecC2C(plan, (cufftComplex *)d_signal, (cufftComplex *)d_signal, CUFFT_FORWARD));
getLastCudaError("Kernel execution failed [ ComplexPointwiseMulAndScale ]");
// Transform signal back
printf("Transforming signal back cufftExecC2C\n");
checkCudaErrors(cufftExecC2C(plan, (cufftComplex *)d_signal, (cufftComplex *)d_signal, CUFFT_INVERSE));
// Copy device memory to host
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy(h_reversed_signal, d_signal, SIGNAL_SIZE*sizeof(cufftComplex),
// check result
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SIGNAL_SIZE; ++i)
h_reversed_signal[i].x = h_reversed_signal[i].x / (float)SIGNAL_SIZE;
h_reversed_signal[i].y /= (float)SIGNAL_SIZE;
printf("first : %f %f after %f %f \n", h_signal[i].x, h_signal[i].y, h_reversed_signal[i].x, h_reversed_signal[i].y);
printf("1 Error %g %g \n", fabs(h_signal[i].x - h_reversed_signal[i].x), fabs(h_signal[i].y - h_reversed_signal[i].y));
bool bTestResult = sdkCompareL2fe((float *)h_reversed_signal, (float *)h_signal, 2 * SIGNAL_SIZE, 1e-5f);
//Destroy CUFFT context
// cleanup memory
// Pad data
int PadData(const Complex *signal, Complex **padded_signal, int signal_size,
const Complex *filter_kernel, Complex **padded_filter_kernel, int filter_kernel_size)
int minRadius = filter_kernel_size / 2;
int maxRadius = filter_kernel_size - minRadius;
int new_size = signal_size + maxRadius;
// Pad signal
Complex *new_data = (Complex *)malloc(sizeof(Complex) * new_size);
memcpy(new_data + 0, signal, signal_size * sizeof(Complex));
memset(new_data + signal_size, 0, (new_size - signal_size) * sizeof(Complex));
*padded_signal = new_data;
// Pad filter
new_data = (Complex *)malloc(sizeof(Complex) * new_size);
memcpy(new_data + 0, filter_kernel + minRadius, maxRadius * sizeof(Complex));
memset(new_data + maxRadius, 0, (new_size - filter_kernel_size) * sizeof(Complex));
memcpy(new_data + new_size - minRadius, filter_kernel, minRadius * sizeof(Complex));
*padded_filter_kernel = new_data;
return new_size;
[simpleCUFFT] is starting...
GPU Device 0: "GeForce GTX 570" with compute capability 2.0
Transforming signal cufftExecC2C
Transforming signal back cufftExecC2C
first : 0.001251 0.000000 after 0.001251 0.000000
first : 0.563585 0.195090 after 0.563585 0.195090
first : 0.193304 0.382683 after 0.193304 0.382683
first : 0.808740 0.555570 after 0.808740 0.555570
first : 0.585009 0.707107 after 0.585009 0.707107
first : 0.479873 0.831470 after 0.479873 0.831470
first : 0.350291 0.923880 after 0.350291 0.923879
first : 0.895962 0.980785 after 0.895962 0.980785
first : 0.822840 1.000000 after 0.822840 1.000000
first : 0.746605 0.980785 after 0.746605 0.980785
first : 0.174108 0.923880 after 0.174108 0.923879
first : 0.858943 0.831470 after 0.858943 0.831470
first : 0.710501 0.707107 after 0.710501 0.707107
first : 0.513535 0.555570 after 0.513535 0.555570
first : 0.303995 0.382683 after 0.303995 0.382683
first : 0.014985 0.195090 after 0.014985 0.195090
first : 0.091403 0.000000 after 0.091403 0.000000
first : 0.364452 -0.195090 after 0.364452 -0.195090
first : 0.147313 -0.382683 after 0.147313 -0.382683
first : 0.165899 -0.555570 after 0.165899 -0.555570
first : 0.988525 -0.707107 after 0.988525 -0.707107
first : 0.445692 -0.831470 after 0.445692 -0.831470
first : 0.119083 -0.923880 after 0.119083 -0.923879
first : 0.004669 -0.980785 after 0.004669 -0.980785
first : 0.008911 -1.000000 after 0.008911 -1.000000
first : 0.377880 -0.980785 after 0.377880 -0.980785
first : 0.531663 -0.923880 after 0.531663 -0.923879
first : 0.571184 -0.831470 after 0.571184 -0.831470
first : 0.601764 -0.707107 after 0.601764 -0.707107
first : 0.607166 -0.555570 after 0.607166 -0.555570
first : 0.166234 -0.382683 after 0.166234 -0.382683
first : 0.663045 -0.195090 after 0.663045 -0.195090
L2 = 3.00296e-007