This Perl script uploads an image to server and then saves: - a gallery image that fits in 900x900 px - a square gallery thumbnail 140x140 px - adds a line in a js file with the image and thumbnail names
The problem is, that the script sometimes works, sometimes - not. It works fine in one or two of every ten attempts. When it doesn't work, it usually returns "Internal Server Error" and doesn't create two files, nor adds a line in js. But in some cases it creates the both jpg files and doesn't add a line in js (again returning "Internal Server Error"). Very strange behavior - I've tried various changes with no result. What I do wrong?
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw ( fatalsToBrowser );
use File::Basename;
use Image::Magick;
$CGI::POST_MAX = 1024 * 70000;
my $safe_filename_characters = "a-zA-Z0-9_.-";
my $pic_upload_dir="../data/photos/gallery";
my $lst_upload_dir="../data";
my $lst_file=$lst_upload_dir."/gallery.js";
my $query=new CGI;
my $PictureIndex=$query->param("Snd_AddPhoto_Idx");
my $photoname=$query->param("AddPhoto");
#upload photo
if ( !$photoname ) {
print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n";
print "\n\nThere was a problem uploading your photo (try a smaller size).\n";
my ( $phname, $phpath, $phextension ) = fileparse ($photoname, qr/\.[^.]*/);
$photoname = $phname . $phextension;
$photoname =~ tr/ /_/;
$photoname =~ s/[^$safe_filename_characters]//g;
if ( $photoname =~ /^([$safe_filename_characters]+)$/ ) {
$photoname = $1;
else {
die "Filename contains invalid characters";
# force correct filename for temporary file
my $upload_photohandle = $query->upload("AddPhoto");
open ( UPLOADPHOTO, ">$pic_upload_dir/$photoname" ) or die "$!";
while ( <$upload_photohandle> ) {
# resize photo
my($photoimage) = Image::Magick->new;
open(PHOTOIMAGE, "$pic_upload_dir/$photoname") or die "Unable to open temporary image file!\n";
$photoimage->Resize(geometry=>'900x900', blur=>0.8);
# write ready photo as jpg
my $readyphotoname="pic".$PictureIndex.".jpg";
open(READYIMAGE, ">$pic_upload_dir/$readyphotoname") or die "Unable to write ready image file!\n";
$photoimage->Write(file=>\*READYIMAGE, filename=>$readyphotoname);
system("chmod 777 $pic_upload_dir/$readyphotoname");
# resize thumbnail
my($thumbimage) = Image::Magick->new;
open(THUMBIMAGE, "$pic_upload_dir/$photoname") or die "Unable to open temporary image file!\n";
$thumbimage->Resize(geometry=>'140x140^', blur=>0.8);
# write ready thumbnail as jpg
my $readythumbname="tbn".$PictureIndex.".jpg";
open(READYTHUMB, ">$pic_upload_dir/$readythumbname") or die "Unable to write ready image file!\n";
$thumbimage->Write(file=>\*READYTHUMB, filename=>$readythumbname);
system("chmod 777 $pic_upload_dir/$readythumbname");
# delete temporary file
unlink($temporary_file) == 0;
# add pic in js gallery list
# prepare new pic record
my $NewGalRecord="GalleryList.push(new Array(\"pic".$PictureIndex.".jpg\",\"tbn".$PictureIndex.".jpg\",\"\",\"\"));\n";
# add to file
open(JS,">>$lst_file") || die "Failed to open $lst_file\n";
printf JS $NewGalRecord;
close JS;
system("chmod 777 $lst_file");
# print confirmation