public class Foo
public string Prop1 { get; private set; }
public Foo(string prop1)
this.Prop1 = prop1;
public class FooTests
public void SomeTestThatRequiresAFoo()
Foo f = new Foo("a");
// testy stuff
public void SomeTestThatRequiresAFooUtilizingBuilderPattern()
Foo f = new FooBuilder().Build();
public void SomeTestThatRequiresAFooUtilizingBuilderPatternOverrideDefaultValue()
Foo f = new FooBuilder()
.WithProp1("different than default")
internal class FooBuilder
public string Prop1 { get; private set; }
// default constructor, provide default values to Foo object
public FooBuilder()
this.Prop1 = "test";
// Sets the "Prop1" value and returns this, done this way to create a "Fluent API"
public FooBuilder WithProp1(string prop1)
this.Prop1 = prop1;
return this;
// Builds the Foo object by utilizing the properties created as BuilderConstruction and/or the "With[PropName]" methods.
public Foo Build()
return new Foo(
这样,如果/当您的 Foo 对象更改时,更新单元测试以将更改考虑在内会更容易一些。
public class Foo
public string Prop1 { get; private set; }
public string Prop2 { get; private set; }
public Foo(string prop1, string prop2)
this.Prop1 = prop1;
this.Prop2 = prop2
使用此实现,您的单元测试将中断,但更新您的构建器比更新每个单元测试更容易依赖于 Foo 的正确构造
internal class FooBuilder
public string Prop1 { get; private set; }
public string Prop2 { get; private set; }
// default constructor, provide default values to Foo object
public FooBuilder()
this.Prop1 = "test";
this.Prop2 = "another value";
// Sets the "Prop1" value and returns this, done this way to create a "Fluent API"
public FooBuilder WithProp1(string prop1)
this.Prop1 = prop1;
return this;
// Similar to the "WithProp1"
public FooBuilder WithProp2(string prop2)
this.Prop2 = prop2;
return this;
// Builds the Foo object by utilizing the properties created as BuilderConstruction and/or the "With[PropName]" methods.
public Foo Build()
return new Foo(
使用 Foo 和 FooBuilder 的这种新实现,唯一会破坏的单元测试是手动创建 Foo 的单元测试,使用单元测试的 FooBuilder 仍然可以正常工作。
这是一个简化的示例,但想象一下,如果您有 20-30 个单元测试依赖于 Foo 对象的构造。无需更新那些 20-30 个单元测试,您只需更新您的构建器以正确构造 Foo 对象。
在您在构造函数中对 null 进行单元测试的示例中,您可以使用构建器模式编写单元测试,如下所示:
public void TestWithNullInFirstParam()
Foo f = new FooBuilder()
// in this case "f" will have Prop1 = null, prop2 = "another value"