I have tried to do this so many ways but the swift compiler complains whatever I do. SourceKit and the compiler also crashes non-stop, so I can't even experiment anymore. Not even to insert some printlns. I'm tearing my hair.

I'm trying to construct a simple array for table view content. The "rows" are Presentable objects, which is just a collection of protocols.

import Foundation

// The protocols are all @objc
typealias Presentable = protocol<Utterable, Displayable, Departure>
typealias TableSection = (sectionTitle: String, rows: [Presentable])

1. This doesn't work:

(buses, metros etc. are all [Bus]?, [Metro]? etc. and those classes conform to all the protocols that are Presentable)

private func asContent5() -> [TableSection]
    var result: Array<TableSection> = []

    var deptsCollections: [[Presentable]?] = [ buses, metros, trains, trams, ships ]
    for var i = 0; i<deptsCollections.count ; i++ {
        if let departures = deptsCollections[i]? {
            var newDeparturesArray: [Presentable] = []
            for dep in departures
                newDeparturesArray.append(dep) // EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION
            let tuple: TableSection = (sectionTitle: "test", rows: newDeparturesArray)
    return result

Console output:

fatal error: NSArray element failed to match the Swift Array Element type

2. This "works" (i.e. doesn't crash at runtime) but I seem to get no objects in my new array:

private func asContent4() -> [TableSection]
    var result: Array<TableSection> = []

    var deptsCollections: [AnyObject?] = [ buses, metros, trains, trams, ships ]
    for var i = 0; i<deptsCollections.count ; i++ {
        if let departures: [Presentable] = deptsCollections[i] as? [Presentable] {
            var newDeparturesArray: [Presentable] = []
            for dep in departures
                newDeparturesArray.append(dep as Presentable)
            let tuple: TableSection = (sectionTitle: "test", rows: newDeparturesArray)
    return result

3. This works fully:

private func asContent3() -> [TableSection]
    var result: Array<TableSection> = []

    if let departures = buses {
        var newDeparturesArray: [Presentable] = []
        for dep in departures { newDeparturesArray.append(dep as Presentable) }
        let tuple: TableSection = (sectionTitle: "bus", rows: newDeparturesArray)

    if let departures = metros {
        var newDeparturesArray: [Presentable] = []
        for dep in departures { newDeparturesArray.append(dep as Presentable) }
        let tuple: TableSection = (sectionTitle: "metro", rows: newDeparturesArray)

    if let departures = trains {
        var newDeparturesArray: [Presentable] = []
        for dep in departures { newDeparturesArray.append(dep as Presentable) }
        let tuple: TableSection = (sectionTitle: "trains", rows: newDeparturesArray)

    if let departures = trams {
        var newDeparturesArray: [Presentable] = []
        for dep in departures { newDeparturesArray.append(dep as Presentable) }
        let tuple: TableSection = (sectionTitle: "trams", rows: newDeparturesArray)

    if let departures = ships {
        var newDeparturesArray: [Presentable] = []
        for dep in departures { newDeparturesArray.append(dep as Presentable) }
        let tuple: TableSection = (sectionTitle: "ships", rows: newDeparturesArray)

    return result

All I want is to take my buses, metros, trains, trams, ships and put them in a [Presentable] each, without a wall of code. I'm starting to believe it's impossible in Swift, because it feels like I've rewritten these loops in every conceivable way.

What am I missing? Why can't I seem to iterate successfully instead of repeating all this code?


This is what happens with Davids code:

Same console output as above, but this time it crashes when trying to access the TableSection::rows (that has happened to me before as well). This makes it crash:

println("index path s: \(indexPath.section) r: \(indexPath.row)")
let section = tableContent[indexPath.section]
println("row count: \(section.rows.count)")
let departure: Presentable = section.rows[indexPath.row] // crash

Console (I printed the rows array from the Variables View):

index path s: 0 r: 0
row count: 8
fatal error: NSArray element failed to match the Swift Array Element type
Printing description of section.rows:
([protocol<Departure, Displayable, Utterable>]) rows = {}

Is it just me or don't these numbers add up?


1 回答 1



import Foundation

@objc protocol Utterable {}
@objc protocol Displayable {}
@objc protocol Departure {}

typealias Presentable = protocol<Utterable, Displayable, Departure>
typealias TableSection = (sectionTitle: String, rows: [Presentable])

class Bus : Presentable {}
class Metro : Presentable {}
class Train : Presentable {}
class Tram : Presentable {}
class Ship : Presentable {}

let buses : [Bus]? = nil
let metros : [Metro]? = [ Metro() ]
let trains : [Train]? = [ Train() ]
let trams : [Tram]? = nil
let ships : [Ship]? = [Ship()]

let departments : [[Presentable]?] = [ buses, metros, trains, trams, ships]

// filter out the non-nil departments that actually have elements
let acceptable = departments.filter { $0?.count > 0 }

// map the acceptable departments into sections, note that we force-unwrap
//  dept because we already verified in the step above that it must be
//  valid
let sections : [TableSection] = acceptable.map { (sectionTitle:"test", rows: $0!) }

请注意,这使用了几个非常重要的内置函数filtermap 我建议真正深入研究它们,再加reduce上非常强大的内置函数,几乎消除了手动进行自己的数组迭代的需要。


// or for compactness...
let sections2 : [TableSection] = departments.filter({ $0?.count > 0 })
                                            .map({ (sectionTitle:"test", rows: $0!) })
于 2015-01-26T17:21:05.180 回答