我想在加载(渲染)模板时使用 javascript 修改 DOM。但是,我似乎无法获得首先传递给模板的变量。似乎我可以使用这些变量的唯一地方是 HTML 模板本身或模板助手中。但是我想在模板完成渲染时执行 javascript(依赖于这些变量)。
html 渲染得很好,但我还是把它放在这里供参考。
HTML 模板:
<template name="cityDataset">
{{#each airports}}
<li><a href="{{mapLink}}" target="_blank">Directions from...</a></li>
Javascript 文件:
airports: function() {
console.log("helper-name: " + this.name); // New York City
console.log("helper-country: " + this.country); // United States
return CityDatasets.findOne({name: this.name, country: this.country}).airports;
Template.cityDataset.rendered = function() {
console.log("name: " + this.name); // undefined
console.log("country: " + this.country); // undefined
// I want to do stuff here! But I can't get the name and country :(
// doSomethingCoolToDOM(this.name, this.country);
> helper-name: New York City
> helper-country: United States
> name: undefined
> country: undefined