I have a recent installation of CMSMS and am not getting help in the forum. It didn't used to be that way, but that's another topic.

Anyway, there's something that's happening again (it was resolved for several months):

Html blob 'global_content_block_x' does not exist

So all the GCBs don't show up and the site doesn't work without them.

Clearing the cache fixes it temporarily.

The original thread containing the solution to fix this the first time around is now locked, it's located here:


What have I done to resolve this:

  1. Cleared the cache - works for a day or so
  2. Changed CGSmartImage, set 'Enable Responsive Images:' to No.

1 回答 1


我偶尔会在某些网站上看到同样的问题。最新版本的 CMS MS 包括对似乎与该问题相关的缓存的一些快速更改。我建议你升级到这个。


于 2015-01-26T09:13:32.037 回答