import asyncio
# python 3.4
from asyncio import JoinableQueue as Queue
# python 3.5
from asyncio import Queue
def do_work(task_name, work_queue):
while not work_queue.empty():
queue_item = work_queue.get_nowait()
# simulate condition where task is added dynamically
if queue_item % 2 != 0:
print('Added additional item to queue')
print('{0} got item: {1}'.format(task_name, queue_item))
yield from asyncio.sleep(queue_item)
print('{0} finished processing item: {1}'.format(task_name, queue_item))
if __name__ == '__main__':
queue = Queue()
# Load initial jobs into queue
[queue.put_nowait(x) for x in range(1, 6)]
# use 3 workers to consume tasks
taskers = [
do_work('task1', queue),
do_work('task2', queue),
do_work('task3', queue)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
使用来自 asyncio 的队列,您可以确保工作的“单元”与最初提供给 asyncio 事件循环的任务/期货是分开的。基本上,这允许在某些条件下添加额外的工作“单元”。
Added additional item to queue
task2 got item: 1
task1 got item: 2
Added additional item to queue
task3 got item: 3
task2 finished processing item: 1
task2 got item: 4
task1 finished processing item: 2
Added additional item to queue
task1 got item: 5
task3 finished processing item: 3
task3 got item: 2
task3 finished processing item: 2
task3 got item: 2
task2 finished processing item: 4
task2 got item: 2
task1 finished processing item: 5
task3 finished processing item: 2
task2 finished processing item: 2