
I need get the File size while it is being generated.

I've tried using QThread and QFileInfo::size and a while with a flag that signals when the finished file, but the value never changes.

So was wondering if you can take the file size while it is being generated.


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来自Qt 文档

注意:为了提高性能,QFileInfo 缓存有关文件的信息。因为文件可以被其他用户或程序更改,甚至可以被同一程序的其他部分更改,所以有一个刷新文件信息的函数:refresh()。如果您想关闭 QFileInfo 的缓存并在每次向它请求信息时强制它访问文件系统,请调用 setCaching(false)。


于 2015-01-23T14:42:10.087 回答