与上面的@dcollien 类似,我扩展了 fields.Field 并使用助手创建了自己的自定义字段,类似于 Marshmallow 在内部处理字段类型的方式:
from marshmallow import fields, missing
from marshmallow.exceptions import ValidationError
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from bson.errors import InvalidId
import json
def oid_isval(val: Any) -> bool:
oid_isval [summary]
val : {Any}
Value to be assessed if its an ObjectId
val : bool
True if val is an ObjectId, otherwise false
if ObjectId.is_valid(val):
return val
def ensure_objid_type(val: Union[bytes, str, ObjectId]) -> ObjectId:
Ensures that the value being passed is return as an ObjectId and is a valid ObjectId
val : Union[bytes, str, ObjectId]
The value to be ensured or converted into an ObjectId and is a valid ObjectId
val : ObjectId
Value of type ObjectId
ValidationError: Exception
If it's not an ObjectId or can't be converted into an ObjectId, raise an error.
# If it's already an ObjectId and it's a valid ObjectId, return it
if isinstance(val, ObjectId) and oid_isval(val):
logger.info(f"It's an ObjectId and it's valid! = {val}")
return val
# Otherwise, if it's a bytes object, decode it and turn it into a string
elif isinstance(val, bytes):
val = ObjectId(str(val.decode("utf-8")))
logger.info(f"Decoded and converted bytes object to ObjectId! = {val}")
# Otherwise, if it's a string, turn it into an ObjectId and check that it's valid
elif isinstance(val, str):
val = ObjectId(val)
logger.info(f"Converted str to ObjectId! = {val}")
# Check to see if the converted value is a valid objectId
if oid_isval(val):
logger.info(f"It's a valid ObjectId! = {val}")
return val
except InvalidId as error:
logger.error(f"Not a valid ObjectId = {val} | error = {error}")
raise ValidationError(json.loads(json.dumps(f"{error}")))
class ObjectIdField(fields.Field):
"""Custom field for ObjectIds."""
# Default error messages
default_error_messages = {
"invalid_ObjectId": "Not a valid ObjectId."
def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj, **kwargs) -> Optional[ObjectId]:
if value is None:
return None
return ensure_objid_type(value)
def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data, **kwargs):
if value is None:
return missing
if not isinstance(value, (ObjectId, str, bytes)):
raise self.make_error("_deserialize: Not a invalid ObjectId")
return ensure_objid_type(value)
except UnicodeDecodeError as error:
raise self.make_error("invalid_utf8") from error
except (ValueError, AttributeError, TypeError) as error:
raise ValidationError("ObjectIds must be a 12-byte input or a 24-character hex string") from error