下面的解决方案使用 Itachi 的建议,即在我们到达下一个位置后,提供一个onFinished处理程序以将节点移动到新的(随机)位置。
通过重用单个转换而不是在事件处理程序中使用递归,它可能会变得更有效(并且更容易理解)。可能没有必要为每个动作创建一个新的过渡 - 但是,只要没有成千上万的动作迭代,它应该是可以接受的。
import javafx.animation.*;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.event.*;
import javafx.geometry.Point2D;
import javafx.scene.*;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.*;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.util.Duration;
import java.util.Random;
// animates moving a node forever in a random walk pattern.
public class RandomWalk extends Application {
private static final Random random = new Random(42);
private static final double W = 200;
private static final double H = 200;
private static final double R = 10;
private static final Node node = new Circle(
public void start(Stage stage) {
// start from the center of the screen.
node.relocate(W / 2 - R, H / 2 - R);
stage.setScene(new Scene(new Pane(node), W, H));
// start walking from the current position to random points in sequence.
private void walk() {
final Point2D to = getRandomPoint();
final Transition transition = createMovementTransition(
private EventHandler<ActionEvent> walkFrom(final Point2D from) {
return event -> {
// Finished handler might be called a frame before transition complete,
// leading to glitches if we relocate in the handler.
// The transition works by manipulating translation values,
// so zero the translation out before relocating the node.
// After the transition is complete, move the node to the new location.
// Relocation co-ordinates are adjusted by the circle's radius.
// For a standard node, the R adjustment would be unnecessary
// as most nodes are located at the top left corner of the node
// rather than at the center like a circle is.
from.getX() - R,
from.getY() - R
// Generate the next random point and play a transition to walk to it.
// I'd rather not use recursion here as if you recurse long enough,
// then you will end up with a stack overflow, but I'm not quite sure
// how to do this without recursion.
final Point2D next = getRandomPoint();
final Transition transition = createMovementTransition(node, next);
// We use a PathTransition to move from the current position to the next.
// For the simple straight-line movement we are doing,
// a straight TranslateTransition would have been fine.
// A PathTransition is just used to demonstrate that this
// can work for the generic path case, not just straight line movement.
private Transition createMovementTransition(Node node, Point2D to) {
Path path = new Path(
new MoveTo(
new LineTo(
to.getX() - node.getLayoutX(),
to.getY() - node.getLayoutY()
return new PathTransition(
// @return a random location within a bounding rectangle (0, 0, W, H)
// with a margin of R kept between the point and the bounding rectangle edge.
private Point2D getRandomPoint() {
return new Point2D(
random.nextInt((int) (W - 2*R)) + R,
random.nextInt((int) (H - 2*R)) + R
public static void main(String[] args) {