- 我在http://mydomen:8060上安装并使用 Crucible+FishEye
- 工作几个月 - 所有工作,与 jira 的集成工作。
- 我创建http://crucible.mydomain(在其他物理服务器中) - 在 localhost:8060 上使用 nginx 代理,安装 Crucible+FishEye 并从备份中恢复。
现在我在 jira 任务 Source 和 Rewiev 选项卡中出错了:
This list of reviews may be incomplete, as errors occurred retrieving data from the following repositories:
Request to http://mydomen:8060/ failed: Error in remote call to 'mydomen' (http://crucible1.mydomen) [AbstractRestCommand{path='rest-service/search-v1/reviews', params={maxReturn=50, term=XM-911}, methodType=GET}] : Received status code 404 (Not Found)
Request to http://crucible.mydomain/ failed: Error in remote call to 'Crucible+FishEye' (http://mydomen:8060) [AbstractRestCommand{path='rest-service/search-v1/reviews', params={maxReturn=50, term=XM-911}, methodType=GET}] : The host did not accept the connection within timeout of 10000 ms
为什么它尝试在http://mydomen:8060上连接?在我的坩埚 > 管理 > 全局设置 > 服务器 > HTTP Bind=crucible.mydomain