
  1. 了解开闭原则
  2. 依赖注入的终结——谁创建了依赖?



public abstract class Repository<TModel> where TModel : class {
    protected Repository() { }

    public abstract IList<TModel> FilterBy(
        Expression<Func<TModel, bool>> filterExpression);
    public abstract IList<TModel> GetAll();
    public abstract TModel GetById(int id);
    public abstract Save(TModel instance);

然后,我希望专攻 ProductRepository。


public abstract class ProductRepository : Repository<Product> {
    protected ProductRepository() : base() { }


但是,如果我需要一种特殊的存储库,比如说一个 AlertLevelConfigurationRepository,并且业务需求规定我一次只能拥有一个 AlertLevelConfiguration。因此,存储库需要始终获取当前配置。


public abstract class AlertLevelConfigurationRepository 
    : Repository<AlertLevelConfiguration> {
    protected AlertLevelConfigurationRepository() : base() { }

    public abstract AlertLevelConfiguration GetCurrent();





1 回答 1


What you have there looks like the definition of "Open/Closed Principle" - the Repository class is Open to extension, but Closed to modification. You can add new functionality by extending it (in the form of new subclasses) without having to modify the Repository class. Adding the GetCurrent() call to the Alert subclass is part of the "Open to extension" part of the principle.

Open/Closed is about the specific class being Open/Closed, not the entire inheritance hierarchy. You want to write the class once, and only change it for one reason (Single Responsibility Principle).

You raise a separate issue:

"Besides, I'm quite sure I will never use the any of the base method, given the exception of the Save method, since the alter level configuration can be, well, configurable!"

This is a sign of a poorly designed inheritance hierarchy, or choosing to inherit from the incorrect class. If you're inheriting a lot of functionality you don't need or don't want to use, it's not the right base class, or that class is doing too much (Single Responsibility Principle violation).

What you probably want is to encapsulate some of this functionality - like the GetAll() and GetById() calls that your Alert class doesn't need - into separate classes that only the derived classes that need that functionality will take in as dependencies (assuming you're using DI). Or possibly put that functionality into a class that derives from Repository and have classes that need it derive from that class (I'd prefer the Composition solution over the inheritance solution though).

于 2015-01-21T23:49:34.413 回答