OpenStack 有 3 种类型的核心节点:

  • 计算(新星)
  • 存储(煤渣)
  • 网络(中子)

但对我来说,所有 Compute/Nova 实例都是虚拟机。带有文件系统的虚拟机。需要联网并最终从某处实际数据中心中的物理交换机接收网络连接的虚拟机。

因此,乍一看,似乎没有必要拥有提供文件系统存储和网络连接的“存储”和“网络”节点。不是所有节点都是 Compute/Nova 节点吗?

  • 为什么文件系统空间需要 Cinder/Storage 节点?每个 Nova 节点都有自己的文件系统,是吗?
  • 为什么我需要 Neutron/Network 节点来进行网络连接?我的 Nova 节点不会从我们数据中心的物理交换机接收网络连接吗?



1 回答 1


But to me, all Compute/Nova instances are VMs.

Strictly speaking, this is incorrect. Nova has a number of component parts. Simply put there is a API component which exposes the service interface and one or more compute components that talk to VM hypervisors. So, a single nova compute node can support multiple VMs. The idea is that you scale up Openstack by running more servers capable of hosting virtual machines.

For more details on how Nova works, I suggest reading the developer documentation:


I also recommend first learning the interaction between Keystone, Glance and Nova. Hopefully you'll begin to understand how each additional component adds more services to your cloud.

于 2015-01-22T02:57:33.507 回答