In Julia, I want to specify the type of a function argument as an array of arrays. So I have
function foo{T <: Any}(x::Array{Array{T}})
but if I set the argument x
in the REPL, for example:
x = Array[[0,1],[1,2,3],[0,1,2,4]]
then it automatically gets the following type assignment (for example), which includes its dimensions:
so that I get the error
ERROR: `foo` has no method matching foo(::Array{Array{T,N},1}).
I don't want to restrict the array dimensions at all, so was thinking that the solution maybe something along the lines of
function foo{T <: Any, N <: Number}(x::Array{Array{T,N},N})
but this doesn't work either.
How can I specify the argument type to be an array of arrays?