我们计划将具有历史记录的复杂 cvs 存储库迁移到 Mercurial。

我已经在本地机器上配置了 cvs2hg,并且 cvs(pserver) 已经安装在远程服务器上。当我使用 cvs2hg(local) 将代码从远程 cvs 存储库迁移到本地 mercurial 存储库时,我遇到了以下错误。

D:\cvs2svn\cvs2svn-19b322d42b1f>python cvs2hg --hgrepos=C:\Users\smandadapu2\De
ktop\mercuryy C:\Users\smandadapu2\Desktop\CVS_Checkout\CVSROOT
----- pass 1 (CollectRevsPass) -----
Examining all CVS ',v' files...
ERROR: No RCS files found under 'C:\\Users\\smandadapu2\\Desktop\\CVS_Checkout\
Are you absolutely certain you are pointing cvs2svn
at a CVS repository?

Pass 1 complete.
Error summary:
ERROR: No RCS files found under 'C:\\Users\\smandadapu2\\Desktop\\CVS_Checkout\
Are you absolutely certain you are pointing cvs2svn
at a CVS repository?

Exited due to fatal error(s).**strong text**

请帮助我在 Windows 上配置 cvs2hg 并详细说明

  1. 使用 cvs2hg 时如何指定远程 cvs 存储库路径?
  2. 使用 cvs2hg 时如何指定 cvs 存储库模块?
  3. 完整的历史迁移应该注意什么?

1 回答 1


It looks like you are trying to start your conversion from a checked-out version ("working copy") of your repository. cvs2hg needs the whole repository with all of its history as input. That's what is usually stored on a remote server, and includes a lot of files with names like <filename>,v. You have to get a copy of the repository, and then run cvs2hg against it.

于 2015-02-16T15:23:04.367 回答