我正在尝试通过 webpack使用material-ui 。但是,我在 chrome dev-tool 中收到了错误消息
Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined
我的 webpack.config.js:
var bower_dir = __dirname + '/bower_components';
var node_modules_dir = __dirname + '/node_modules';
var config = {
addVendor: function (name, path) {
this.resolve.alias[name] = path;
this.module.noParse.push(new RegExp(path));
entry: {
Messenger: './app/Messenger.jsx',
AppComponent: './app/AppComponent.jsx'
// The resolve.alias object takes require expressions
// (require('react')) as keys and filepath to actual
// module as values
resolve: {
alias: {},
extensions: ['', '.jsx']
output: {
path: './www',
filename: '[name].bundle.js'
module: {
noParse: [],
loaders: [
{ test: /\.css$/, loader: 'style-loader!css-loader' }, // use ! to chain loaders
{ test: /\.png$/, loader: "url-loader?limit=100000&mimetype=image/png" },
{ test: /\.jsx$/, loader: 'jsx-loader' }
config.addVendor('react', bower_dir + '/react/react.min.js');
config.addVendor('material-ui', bower_dir + '/material-ui/src/index.js');
config.addVendor('react-tap-event-plugin', node_modules_dir + '/react-tap-event-plugin/src/injectTapEventPlugin.js');
module.exports = config;
我需要一些关于如何使用 webpack 要求 material-ui 的建议。谢谢。