昨晚我的第一个 Android TV 应用上线了,但必须在 Google Play 中搜索。您如何将您的应用程序列在主屏幕的娱乐应用程序部分(以及 Android TV 上的 Google Play 商店),以便人们能够真正找到它?
204 次
1 回答
It turns out that the Entertainment Apps section does not include all Android TV apps like I had thought. It is a curated list. So unfortunately that means Android TV apps have the same likelihood to be discovered as regular Android apps, and it makes the Andoid TV ecosystem look much smaller to the user than it (presumably) is. I guess I was expecting something more like Roku's channel store.
于 2015-01-28T19:56:08.887 回答