我有一个课程要快速完成,这需要我能够以某种方式调试代码。为了完成任务,我必须能够运行给我的程序,并使用断点一步一步地指导程序。我们得到的程序是 ATM 的基本视图,并且有许多错误。
/* This program has been altered purposefully
so that it contains problems.
Use the program to complete P2-Debugging a program
Remember to take screenshots of you do the following:
Adding a breakpoint at an appropriate point
Stepping into functions (F11) and over each line of code (F10)
Changing variables and altering other code, e.g. changing messages
Watching the values of variables.
Add comments to the code before taking screenshots.
Fix the problems if you can. Otherwise, just add comments to the code
indicating where you think the problems are and what the solution might be.
Place all evidence into one Word Document and submit it.
Can you add other improvements?
#include <stdio.h>
int getOption()
int option = 0, nl;
printf("\nWelcome to the ATM\n");
printf("\n1. Withdraw Cash\n");
printf("\n2. Show Balance\n");
printf("\n3. Exit\n");
printf("\nEnter a number from 1 to 3:");
option = scanf_s("%d%c", &option, &nl);
return option;
//function to allow you to withdraw cash
int withdrawCash()
float amount;
int nl, option;
printf("\nHow much money do you want?");
amount = scanf_s("%d%c", &option, &nl);
return option;
//function to show you your balance
int getBalance()
float balance = 10000;
int nl, option;
printf("\nHow much money do you want?");
balance = scanf_s("%d%c", &option, &nl);
return balance;
//function to update your balance
int updateBalance(float balance, float amount)
int nl, option;
balance = balance - amount;
return balance;
// main function - start here
int main(void)
int ch;
int opt = 0;
int amount = 0;
int balance = 0;
float newbal = 0.0;
opt = getOption();
printf("\nYou chose option %d\n", opt);
if (opt == 1)
amount = withdrawCash();
newbal = updateBalance(10000, amount);
printf("\nHere is your %d, your balance is:\n", amount, newbal);
if (opt == 2)
balance = getBalance();
printf("\nHere is your balance: %d\n", balance);
printf("\nThank you. Please take your card.\n");
ch = getchar();
return 0;