I am trying to calculate the cosine similarity between columns in a matrix. I am able to get it to work using standard for loops, but when I try to make it run in parallel to make the code run faster it does not give me the same answer. The problem is that I am unable to get the same answer using the foreach loop approach. I suspect that I am not using the correct syntax, because I have had single foreach loops work. I have tried to make the second loop a regular for loop and I used the %:%
parameter with the foreach loop, but then the function doesn't even run.
Please see my attached code below. Thanks in advance for any help.
## Function that calculates cosine similarity using paralel functions.
#for calculating parallel processing
## Set up cluster on 8 cores
cl = makeCluster(8)
#create an example data
x=array(data=sample(1000*100), dim=c(1000, 100))
## Cosine similarity function using sequential for loops
cosine_seq =function (x) {
co = array(0, c(ncol(x), ncol(x)))
for (i in 2:ncol(x)) {
for (j in 1:(i - 1)) {
co[i, j] = crossprod(x[, i], x[, j])/sqrt(crossprod(x[, i]) * crossprod(x[, j]))
co = co + t(co)
diag(co) = 1
## Cosine similarity function using parallel for loops
cosine_par =function (x) {
co = array(0, c(ncol(x), ncol(x)))
foreach (i=2:ncol(x)) %dopar% {
for (j in 1:(i - 1)) {
co[i, j] = crossprod(x[, i], x[, j])/sqrt(crossprod(x[, i]) * crossprod(x[, j]))
co = co + t(co)
diag(co) = 1
## Calculate cosine similarity
## Test equality of cosine similarity functions
all.equal(x_cosine_seq, x_cosine_par)
#stop cluster