请参阅以下网页:http: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms137786.aspx。在“索引和参考表的缓存”中它指出:

“配置模糊查找转换时,可以指定转换是否在转换工作之前将索引和引用表部分缓存在内存中。如果将 WarmCaches 属性设置为 True,则将索引和引用表加载到内存中。当输入有很多行时,将WarmCaches属性设置为True可以提高转换的性能。当输入行数较少时,将WarmCaches属性设置为False可以使大索引的复用更快。”


“暖缓存”是否意味着组件将使用在之前运行 SSIS 包时创建的模糊组?


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the answer was below from the above BOL:

At run time, the Fuzzy Lookup transformation creates temporary objects, such as tables and indexes, in the SQL Server database that the transformation connects to. The size of these temporary tables and indexes is proportionate to the number of rows and tokens in the reference table and the number of tokens that the Fuzzy Lookup transformation creates; therefore, they could potentially consume a significant amount of disk space.

This implies that if we select warm caches the temporary tables create are loading into the SSIS memory space similar to a fully cached lookup transform

The warm cache setting can be foun in the properties tab in bids:

enter image description here

"Pretty Sneaky SSIS"

于 2015-02-01T06:41:30.530 回答