Following is from PayPal Order Management Integration Guide:

Processing the PayPal Response to Your Postback

PayPal responds to your postbacks with a single word in the body of the response: VERIFIED or INVALID.

When you receive a VERIFIED postback response, perform the following checks on data in the IPN:

  1. Check that the payment_status is Completed.
  2. If the payment_status is Completed, check the txn_id against the previous PayPal transaction that you processed to ensure it is not a duplicate.
  3. Check that the receiver_email is an email address registered in your PayPal account.
  4. Check that the price, carried in mc_gross, and the currency, carried in mc_currency, are correct for the item, carried in item_name or item_number.

After you complete the above checks, notification validation is complete. You can update your database with the information provided, and you can initiate other appropriate automated back-end processing.

<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">

    <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart" />
    <input type="hidden" name="upload" value="1" />
    <input type="hidden" name="business" value="GXLC9H9VFPLQE">


    <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" />


In step 3 I should check receiver_email, but I don't want to.

I don't want to keep my paypal account email in my application.

My question is: can I check business variable instead?


1 回答 1



提供的“检查”只是建议,而不是使用 IPN 的要求。您可以检查“business”而不是“receiver_email”。但是,如果您在表单中传递,IPN 中返回给您的“business”的值将是您帐户上的商家电子邮件地址,而“receiver_id”的值将是 GXLC9H9VFPLQE。

因此,如果您想检查您的商家 ID 而不是电子邮件地址,请检查“receiver_id”。

于 2010-05-10T23:40:35.583 回答