我使用 Dataflow 的项目编译得很好
mvn compile
但是,当我将项目导入 eclipse 时,eclipse 无法构建项目并给出以下错误
该项目未构建,因为其构建路径不完整。 找不到 com.google.common.reflect.TypeToken 的类文件。 修复构建路径,然后尝试构建此项目
我使用 Dataflow 的项目编译得很好
mvn compile
但是,当我将项目导入 eclipse 时,eclipse 无法构建项目并给出以下错误
该项目未构建,因为其构建路径不完整。 找不到 com.google.common.reflect.TypeToken 的类文件。 修复构建路径,然后尝试构建此项目
Adding an explicit dependency on Guava to my pom file appears to have fixed the problem.
By running
mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose -Dincludes=com.google.guava
I learned that I had several dependencies that were pulling in Guava so by adding an explicit dependency I was able to force maven to pull in a newer version.
However, I don't know why running 'mvn compile' on the command line worked.