当正在处理的文件达到 1000 个(我收到大量消息)时,我的服务似乎崩溃了。
在服务启动时,我在开始观看之前首先处理待处理的消息(我说的是超过 1000 个待处理的文本文件),我的服务需要大约一秒钟的时间来处理每个文件。
一切正常,但是当传入的文件总数达到 1000 个时,它就会崩溃。有时服务会停止处理挂起,只开始寻找新文件。
我有最大推荐的“InternalBufferSize = 64000”。
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
using(TREEEntities TEX = new TREEEntities())
var mp= TEX.TREE_settings.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.SET_key =="MSGDump");
MsgsPath = mp.SET_value;
var dc = TEX.TREE_settings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SET_key == "DupCash");
DupCash = Convert.ToInt16(dc.SET_value);
if (Directory.Exists(MsgsPath))
if (!Directory.Exists(MsgsPath+"\\Archive"))
if (!Directory.Exists(MsgsPath + "\\Duplicates"))
Directory.CreateDirectory(MsgsPath + "\\Duplicates");
if (!Directory.Exists(MsgsPath + "\\Unsent"))
Directory.CreateDirectory(MsgsPath + "\\Unsent");
Directory.CreateDirectory(MsgsPath + "\\Archive");
Directory.CreateDirectory(MsgsPath + "\\Duplicates");
Directory.CreateDirectory(MsgsPath + "\\Unsent");
processPending();//<--- process pending files after last service stop
fileSystemWatcher1.Path = MsgsPath;//<--- path to be watched
fileSystemWatcher1.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
fileSystemWatcher1.InternalBufferSize = 64000;
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "Service Started", 0, "Service", "Info");
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "File Watcher Started", 0, "Service", "Info");
//dupList.Clear();//<--- clear duplicates validation list
protected override void OnStop()
fileSystemWatcher1.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "File Watcher Stopped", 0, "Service", "Alert");
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "Service Stopped", 0, "Service", "Alert");
private void fileSystemWatcher1_Created(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
//---------read from file------------
Thread.Sleep(200);//<---give the file some time to get released
string block;
using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(MsgsPath + "\\" + e.Name))
block = sr.ReadToEnd();
PRT = block.Substring(block.Length - 6, 6);//<--- get the printer name
seq = Convert.ToInt16(block.Substring(block.Length - 20, 20).Substring(0, 4));//<--- get the sequence number
switch (PRT)//<----track sequence number from the 3 printers
case "64261B"://<---prt1
int seqPlus1=0;
if(seqPrt1 == 9999)//<---ignore sequence change from 9999 to 1
{ seqPlus1 = 1; }
else { seqPlus1 = seqPrt1 + 1; }
if (seq != seqPlus1 && seqPrt1 != 0)//<---"0" to avoid first service start
int x = seq - seqPrt1 - 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= x; i++)
addToMissing(PRT, seqPlus1);
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "Missing Sequence Number On Printer: " + PRT + " - " + seqPlus1, seqPlus1, "Service", "Missing");
seqPrt1 = seq;
else { seqPrt1 = seq; }
case "24E9AA"://<---prt2
int seqPlus2=0;
if(seqPrt2 == 9999)
{ seqPlus2 = 1; }
if (seq != seqPlus2 && seqPrt2 != 0)
int x = seq - seqPrt2 - 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= x; i++)
addToMissing(PRT, seqPlus2);
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "Missing Sequence Number On Printer: " + PRT + " - " + seqPlus2, seqPlus2, "Service", "Missing");
seqPrt2 = seq;
else { seqPrt2 = seq; }
case "642602"://<---prt3
int seqPlus3=0;
if(seqPrt3 == 9999)
{ seqPlus3 = 1; }
if (seq != seqPlus3 && seqPrt3 != 0)
int x = seq - seqPrt3 - 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= x; i++)
addToMissing(PRT, seqPlus3);
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "Missing Sequence Number On Printer: " + PRT + " - " + seqPlus3, seqPlus3, "Service", "Missing");
seqPrt3 = seq;
else { seqPrt3 = seq; }
block = block.Remove(block.Length - 52);//<--- trim the sequence number and unwanted info
string[] Alladd;
List<string> sent = new List<string>();
if (!dupList.Contains(block)) //<--- if msg not found in duplicates validation list
//--------extract values--------------
if (block.Substring(0, 3) == "\r\nQ") //<--- if the msg. contains a priority code
Alladd = block.Substring(0, block.IndexOf(".")).Replace("\r\n", " ").Substring(4).Split(' ').Distinct().Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray(); ;
else//<--- if no priority code
Alladd = block.Substring(0, block.IndexOf(".")).Replace("\r\n", " ").Substring(1).Split(' ').Distinct().Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray(); ;
string From = block.Substring(block.IndexOf('.') + 1).Substring(0, 7);
string Msg = block.Substring(block.IndexOf('.') + 1);
Msg = Msg.Substring(Msg.IndexOf('\n') + 1);
//--------add msg content to the DB group table--------
using (TREEEntities TE1 = new TREEEntities())
TREE_group tg = new TREE_group()
GROUP_original = block,
GROUP_sent = Msg,
GROUP_dateTime = DateTime.Now,
GROUP_from = From,
GROUP_seq = seq,
GROUP_prt = PRT,
//--------validate addresses---------------
foreach (string TB in Alladd)
string email = "";
string typeB = "";
TREEEntities TE = new TREEEntities();
var q1 = from x in TE.TREE_users where x.USR_TypeB == TB && x.USR_flag == "act" select new { x.USR_email, x.USR_TypeB };
foreach (var itm in q1)
email = itm.USR_email;
typeB = itm.USR_TypeB;
//-------send mail if the user exist----
if (TB == typeB)
if (typeB == "BAHMVGF")
sendMail SM = new sendMail();
SM.SendMail(Msg, "Message from: " + From, email);
//---save record in DB----
addToMsg(typeB, email,"sent","act",1,GID,seq);
catch (Exception x)
addToMsg(typeB, email, "Failed", "act", 1, GID, seq);
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "Send message failed: " + x.Message, GID, "Service", "Warning");
//-------if no user exist----
if (TB == "BAHMVGF")
addToMsg(TB, "No email", "Failed", "act", 1, GID, seq);
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "Send message failed, unknown Type-B address: " + TB, GID, "Service", "Warning");
if (sent.Count < Alladd.Count())//<--- if there is unsent addresses
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(block);
foreach (string add in sent)
b.Replace(add, "");//<--- remove address that has been sent from the original message and write new msg. to unsent folder
if (!Directory.Exists(MsgsPath + "\\Unsent"))
Directory.CreateDirectory(MsgsPath + "\\Unsent");
using (StreamWriter w = File.AppendText(MsgsPath + "\\Unsent\\" + e.Name))
//---add to dupList to validate the next messages-------------
if (dupList.Count > DupCash)
//---move msg to archive folder-----------------
if (!Directory.Exists(MsgsPath + "\\Archive"))
Directory.CreateDirectory(MsgsPath + "\\Archive");
File.Move(MsgsPath + "\\" + e.Name, MsgsPath + "\\Archive\\" + e.Name);
else //<--- if message is a duplicate
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "Duplicated message, message not sent", seq, "Service", "Info");
//---move msg to duplicates folder-----------------
if (!Directory.Exists(MsgsPath + "\\Duplicates"))
Directory.CreateDirectory(MsgsPath + "\\Duplicates");
File.Move(MsgsPath + "\\" + e.Name, MsgsPath + "\\Duplicates\\" + e.Name);
catch (Exception x)
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "Error: " + x.Message, seq, "Service", "Alert");
if (!Directory.Exists(MsgsPath + "\\Unsent"))
Directory.CreateDirectory(MsgsPath + "\\Unsent");
//---move msg to Unsent folder-----------------
File.Move(MsgsPath + "\\" + e.Name, MsgsPath + "\\Unsent\\" + e.Name);