我对 JPanels 和 CardLayout 有一些非常奇怪的症状。本质上,我有充当“页面”的卡片,因为我只能在网格上保存 12 个单元格,并且我将每个页面显示为一张卡片,然后单击 -> 和 <- 按钮相应地更改页面(或者这就是想法)。因为这些数据代表了一个不断变化的模型,所以我打算每五秒钟添加一次新卡片,显示更新的信息,并简单地删除旧页面。
public OrderSimPanel() {
super( new CardLayout() );
// Create the map
frames = new TreeMap<Integer, String>();
// Update and draw
// Set a timer for future updating
java.util.Timer timer = new java.util.Timer();
timer.schedule(new UpdateTask(), 5000);
System.out.println("Constructor DOES get called");
System.out.println("Panel type is " + this.getLayout().getClass().getName() );
其中 referhReleventOrders() 只是更新一个 List,而 drawPanel() 是这样的:
private void drawPanel() {
System.out.println("Panel type is " + this.getLayout().getClass().getName() );
// Set all old frames to deprecated
for( Integer k : frames.keySet() ) {
String o = frames.get( k );
k = -k;
frames.put(k, o);
// Frame to add to
JPanel frame = new JPanel( new GridLayout(3,4) );
int f = 0;
// Create new cells in groups of 12
for( int i = 0; i < orders.size(); i++ ) {
// Pagination powers activate!
int c = i % 12;
f = i / 12;
// Create a new panel if we've run out of room on this one
if ( c == 0 && i > 0 ) {
// Add old frame
String id = new Double( Math.random() ).toString();
frames.put(f, id);
add( frame, id );
// Create new one
frame = new JPanel( new GridLayout(3,4) );
// Add the order cell to the panel
frame.add(new OrderCellPanel( orders.get(i) ));
// Add last frame
String id = new Double( Math.random() ).toString();
frames.put(f, id);
add( frame, id );
// Set active frame to 0'th frame
((CardLayout)(this.getLayout())).show(this, frames.get(0));
// Erase other frames and from map
for( Integer k : frames.keySet() ) {
if( k < 0 ) {
在构造函数中创建的计时器任务调用 refreshRelevantOrders() 和 drawPanel()。初始打印输出如下所示:
Panel type is java.awt.CardLayout
Constructor DOES get called
Panel type is java.awt.CardLayout
Panel type is javax.swing.GroupLayout
当然,drawPanel() 中的转换代码失败了。感谢您的任何想法!