scala> import beans._
import beans._
scala> :pa
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
class VarAndValue {
val value = "";
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
defined class VarAndValue
scala> import reflect.runtime._, universe._
import reflect.runtime._
import universe._
scala> val str = typeOf[String]
str: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = String
scala> val ms = typeOf[VarAndValue].declarations filter (m => m.isMethod && m.name.decoded == "getValue")
warning: there were two deprecation warnings; re-run with -deprecation for details
ms: Iterable[reflect.runtime.universe.Symbol] = SynchronizedOps(method getValue)
scala> val mm = ms.toList
mm: List[reflect.runtime.universe.Symbol] = List(method getValue)
scala> val m = mm.head.asInstanceOf[MethodSymbol]
m: reflect.runtime.universe.MethodSymbol = method getValue
scala> val t = m.returnType
t: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = java.lang.String
scala> println(t)
scala> println(str)
scala> str == t
res2: Boolean = false
scala> str match { case `t` => }
scala.MatchError: String (of class scala.reflect.internal.Types$AliasNoArgsTypeRef)
... 33 elided
scala> str =:= t
res4: Boolean = true
scala> str match { case TypeRef(a,b,c) => (a,b,c) }
res5: (reflect.runtime.universe.Type, reflect.runtime.universe.Symbol, List[reflect.runtime.universe.Type]) = (scala.Predef.type,type String,List())
scala> t match { case TypeRef(a,b,c) => (a,b,c) }
res6: (reflect.runtime.universe.Type, reflect.runtime.universe.Symbol, List[reflect.runtime.universe.Type]) = (java.lang.type,class String,List())
scala> typeOf[List[Int]]
res11: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = scala.List[Int]
scala> type X = List[Int]
defined type alias X
scala> typeOf[X].dealias
res12: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = List[scala.Int]
scala> res11 =:= res12
res13: Boolean = true
scala> res11 == res12
res14: Boolean = false
scala> typeOf[X] <:< res11
res15: Boolean = true
scala> typeOf[X] =:= res11
res16: Boolean = true