我正在阅读 HTML 和 CSS 书籍。它有一个两列布局的示例代码。
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
#main {height: 1%; overflow: auto;}
#main, #header, #footer {width: 768px; margin: auto;}
#bodycopy { float: right; width: 598px; }
#sidebar {margin-right: 608px; }
#footer {clear: both; }
<div id="header" style='background-color: #AAAAAA'>This is the header.</div>
<div id="main" style='background-color: #EEEEEE'>
<div id="bodycopy" style='background-color: #BBBBBB'>
This is the principal content.<br />
This is the principal content.<br />
This is the principal content.<br />
This is the principal content.<br />
This is the principal content.<br />
This is the principal content.<br />
This is the principal content.<br />
This is the principal content.<br />
This is the principal content.<br />
This is the principal content.<br />
This is the principal content.<br />
This is the principal content.<br />
This is the principal content.<br />
This is the principal content.<br />
This is the principal content.<br />
<div id="sidebar" style='background-color: #CCCCCC'>
This is the sidebar.
<div id="footer" style='background-color: #DDDDDD'>This is the footer.</div>
作者提到使用溢出自动和 1% 高度将使主要区域扩大到包含计算的内容高度。我尝试删除 1% 的高度并在不同的浏览器中尝试,但它们没有显示出差异。我对它的使用感到很困惑。任何想法?