我正在为客户构建一个物联网解决方案,网络管理员坚持认为设备只能通过访客网络连接,该网络有一个强制门户,其服务条款必须通过按下 UI 按钮接受,然后才能获得外部互联网访问权限. 到目前为止,我看过的大多数物联网解决方案(电动小鬼、Spark 核心)都明确声明它们无法连接到强制门户。我见过其他用于自动与强制门户交互的高级代码,但我还没有找到允许嵌入式 wifi 设备(如 CC3000)自动接受强制门户上的条款的解决方案。

有没有人见过或为 CC3000 之类的东西构建了一个自定义 wifi 堆栈,可以识别强制门户并与之交互?是否有另一种在该领域取得成功的嵌入式 wifi 解决方案(可能是 xbee wifi?)?


2 回答 2


I wouldn't solve this problem in the stack. I would go for a high-level code executed automatically after connecting to the network. Some simple script for example which automatically "presses the UI button" for you. Depending on the design of that page this may be as simple as a single http-request.

Another solution (maybe): Depending on the Wifi-Modules you've chosen the MAC-Addresses of your devices are predicable. Maybe the network admins can add a rule to their config to allow these devices on their guest network without the need of that captive portal.

于 2015-01-30T10:25:53.427 回答

After considering all options, I believe we are going to go embed the behavour into the SparkCore firmware and insert a captive portal check in the wifi connection code.

spark_utilities.cpp line 807 (Internet_Test function) https://github.com/spark/firmware/blob/master/src/spark_utilities.cpp#L807

于 2015-02-01T19:43:46.440 回答