我试图弄清楚为什么与我的笔记本电脑相比,查询在服务器上执行的时间太长。服务器和笔记本电脑都在 WAMP 2.0 上运行 MySQL 5.1.36,并且具有相同的数据库架构,因为我已将其从服务器数据库导出并将其导入笔记本电脑的数据库。0.031在笔记本电脑上执行需要几秒钟,而82.447在服务器上执行需要几秒钟!


操作系统:Microsoft Windows 7 Professional,处理器:Intel® Core™ i7-4600M 处理器(4M 高速缓存,最高 3.60 GHz),内存:8GB


操作系统:Microsoft Windows 2008 Standard SP2,处理器:Intel® Xeon® Processor X5570(8M 高速缓存,2.93 GHz,6.40 GT/s Intel® QPI),内存:4GB

以下是执行查询执行查询时服务器上 CPU 利用率的屏幕截图。请记住,服务器是在服务器场中运行的 VM。

下面是查询,每个表的行数不超过 1000 行。

SELECT form.id                                                                                  AS `Reference No.`, 
       DATE_FORMAT(form.sbmt, '%d %b %Y')                                                       AS `Submission Date`, 
       DATE_FORMAT(form.sbmt, '%h:%i %p')                                                       AS `Submission Time`, 
       department.name                                                                          AS `Department`,
       section.name                                                                             AS `Section`,
       reporting_to_1.id                                                                        AS `Reporting To 1 - System ID`, 
       reporting_to_1.name_ldap                                                                 AS `Reporting To 1 - Name`, 
       reporting_to_1_department.name                                                           AS `Reporting To 1 - Department`, 
       CONVERT(IFNULL(reporting_to_2.id, '') USING utf8)                                        AS `Reporting To 2 - System ID`, 
       IFNULL(reporting_to_2.name_ldap, '')                                                     AS `Reporting To 2 - Name`, 
       IFNULL(reporting_to_2_department.name, '')                                               AS `Reporting To 2 - Department`, 
       form_type.des                                                                            AS `Form Type`, 
       CONVERT(IF(form.subno = 0, '-', form.subno) USING utf8)                                  AS `Subscriber No.`, 
       form.subname                                                                             AS `Subscriber Name`, 
       form.incidentdate                                                                        AS `Incident Date`, 
       form.rsndes                                                                              AS `Reason`,
       form.amount                                                                              AS `Amount`,
       form.des                                                                                 AS `Description`,
       CONCAT('http://cns/attach/', attachment_1.path, '/', attachment_1.filename_generated)    AS `Attachment - 1`, 
       CONCAT('http://cns/attach/', attachment_2.path, '/', attachment_2.filename_generated)    AS `Attachment - 2`, 
       IFNULL(info.name, '')                                                                    AS `Agent Info - Name`, 
       CONVERT(IFNULL(info.emp_id, '') USING utf8)                                              AS `Agent Info - ID`, 
       IFNULL(info.tabs, '')                                                                    AS `Agent Info - TABS`, 
       IFNULL(info.type, '')                                                                    AS `Agent Info - Type`, 
       CONVERT(IFNULL(info_teamleader.id, '') USING utf8)                                       AS `Agent Info - Team Leader - System ID`, 
       IFNULL(info_teamleader.name_ldap, '')                                                    AS `Agent Info - Team Leader - Name`, 
       creator.id                                                                               AS `Created By - System ID`, 
       creator.name                                                                             AS `Created By - Name`, 
       CONVERT(IFNULL(authorizing_teamleader_user.id, '') USING utf8)                           AS `Processed By - Team Leader - System ID`, 
       IFNULL(authorizing_teamleader_user.name_ldap, '')                                        AS `Processed By - Team Leader - Name`, 
       CONVERT(IFNULL(authorizing_teamleader_user.emp_id, '') USING utf8)                       AS `Processed By - Team Leader - Employee ID`, 
       CONVERT(IFNULL(DATE_FORMAT(authorizing_teamleader.datetime, '%d %b %Y'), '') USING utf8) AS `Processed On - Team Leader - Date`, 
       CONVERT(IFNULL(DATE_FORMAT(authorizing_teamleader.datetime, '%h:%i %p'), '') USING utf8) AS `Processed On - Team Leader - Time`, 
       CONVERT(IFNULL(authorizing_manager_user.id, '') USING utf8)                              AS `Processed By - Manager - System ID`, 
       IFNULL(authorizing_manager_user.name_ldap, '')                                           AS `Processed By - Manager - Name`, 
       CONVERT(IFNULL(authorizing_manager_user.emp_id, '') USING utf8)                          AS `Processed By - Manager - Employee ID`, 
       CONVERT(IFNULL(DATE_FORMAT(authorizing_manager.datetime, '%d %b %Y'), '') USING utf8)    AS `Processed On - Manager - Date`, 
       CONVERT(IFNULL(DATE_FORMAT(authorizing_manager.datetime, '%h:%i %p'), '') USING utf8)    AS `Processed On - Manager - Time`, 
       CONVERT(IFNULL(authorizing_director_user.id, '') USING utf8)                             AS `Processed By - Director - System ID`, 
       IFNULL(authorizing_director_user.name_ldap, '')                                          AS `Processed By - Director - Name`, 
       CONVERT(IFNULL(authorizing_director_user.emp_id, '') USING utf8)                         AS `Processed By - Director - Employee ID`, 
       CONVERT(IFNULL(DATE_FORMAT(authorizing_director.datetime, '%d %b %Y'), '') USING utf8)   AS `Processed On - Director - Date`, 
       CONVERT(IFNULL(DATE_FORMAT(authorizing_director.datetime, '%h:%i %p'), '') USING utf8)   AS `Processed On - Director - Time`, 
       status.des                                                                               AS `Status`,
       CONVERT(IF(status.des = 'Pending', '', status_by.id) USING utf8)                         AS `Status By - System ID`, 
       IFNULL(status_by.name_ldap, '')                                                          AS `Status By - Name`, 
       CONVERT(IFNULL(status_by.emp_id, '') USING utf8)                                         AS `Status By - Employee ID`, 
       IFNULL(status_by_role.des, '')                                                           AS `Status By - Position`, 
       CONVERT(IFNULL(DATE_FORMAT(form.statuson, '%d %b %Y'), '') USING utf8)                   AS `Status On - Date`, 
       CONVERT(IFNULL(DATE_FORMAT(form.statuson, '%h:%i %p'), '') USING utf8)                   AS `Status On - Time`, 
       CONCAT('http://cns/pdf/', form.pdf)                                                      AS `PDF` 
FROM   cns_form AS form 
       JOIN cns_departments AS department 
         ON form.deptid = department.id 
       JOIN cns_sections AS section 
         ON form.sectid = section.id
       JOIN (cns_users AS reporting_to_1, 
             cns_departments AS reporting_to_1_department)
         ON reporting_to_1.id = form.rprtid1
            AND reporting_to_1.dept_id = reporting_to_1_department.id
       LEFT JOIN (cns_users AS reporting_to_2, 
                  cns_departments AS reporting_to_2_department)
         ON reporting_to_2.id = form.rprtid2
            AND reporting_to_2.dept_id = reporting_to_2_department.id
       LEFT JOIN cns_form_attachments AS attachment_1 
         ON form.id = attachment_1.form_id 
            AND attachment_1.id = (SELECT MIN(id) 
                                   FROM   cns_form_attachments 
                                   WHERE  form_id = form.id) 
       LEFT JOIN cns_form_attachments AS attachment_2 
         ON form.id = attachment_2.form_id 
            AND attachment_2.id = (SELECT MAX(id) 
                                   FROM   cns_form_attachments 
                                   WHERE  form_id = form.id) 
       JOIN cns_status AS status 
         ON form.status = status.id
       JOIN cns_form_type AS form_type 
         ON form.waivetype = form_type.id
       LEFT JOIN (cns_form_infos AS info, 
                  cns_users AS info_teamleader)
         ON form.id = info.form_id 
            AND info_teamleader.id = info.teamleaderid
       JOIN cns_users AS creator
         ON creator.id = form.empid
       LEFT JOIN (cns_form_authorizers AS authorizing_teamleader, 
                  cns_users AS authorizing_teamleader_user)
         ON authorizing_teamleader.form = form.id
            AND authorizing_teamleader.role = 't'
            AND authorizing_teamleader_user.id = authorizing_teamleader.`from`
       LEFT JOIN (cns_form_authorizers AS authorizing_manager, 
                  cns_users AS authorizing_manager_user)
         ON authorizing_manager.form = form.id
            AND authorizing_manager.role = 'm'
            AND authorizing_manager_user.id = authorizing_manager.`from`
       LEFT JOIN (cns_form_authorizers AS authorizing_director, 
                  cns_users AS authorizing_director_user)
         ON authorizing_director.form = form.id
            AND authorizing_director.role = 'd'
            AND authorizing_director_user.id = authorizing_director.`from`
       LEFT JOIN (cns_users AS status_by, 
                  cns_roles AS status_by_role)
         ON status_by.id = form.statusby
            AND status_by.role = status_by_role.id
WHERE status.des != 'Pending'


| id |    select_type     |            table            |  type  |           possible_keys            |      key       | key_len |                 ref                  | rows |                       Extra                        |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | form                        | ALL    | empid,rprtid1,deptid,sectid,status | NULL           | NULL    | NULL                                 |  779 | Using temporary; Using filesort                    |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | authorizing_teamleader      | ref    | from,role                          | role           | 1       | const                                |    0 | Using where                                        |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | authorizing_teamleader_user | eq_ref | PRIMARY                            | PRIMARY        | 4       | wfs-test.authorizing_teamleader.from |    1 | NULL                                               |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | authorizing_manager         | ref    | from,role                          | role           | 1       | const                                |    0 | Using where                                        |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | authorizing_manager_user    | eq_ref | PRIMARY                            | PRIMARY        | 4       | wfs-test.authorizing_manager.from    |    1 | NULL                                               |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | status                      | ALL    | PRIMARY,des                        | NULL           | NULL    | NULL                                 |    3 | Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | reporting_to_1              | eq_ref | PRIMARY,dept_id                    | PRIMARY        | 4       | wfs-test.form.rprtid1                |    1 | Using where                                        |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | reporting_to_2              | eq_ref | PRIMARY,dept_id                    | PRIMARY        | 4       | wfs-test.form.rprtid2                |    1 | NULL                                               |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | reporting_to_2_department   | ALL    | PRIMARY                            | NULL           | NULL    | NULL                                 |    9 | Using where                                        |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | info                        | eq_ref | form_id_UNIQUE                     | form_id_UNIQUE | 4       | wfs-test.form.id                     |    1 | NULL                                               |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | info_teamleader             | eq_ref | PRIMARY                            | PRIMARY        | 4       | wfs-test.info.teamleaderid           |    1 | NULL                                               |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | creator                     | eq_ref | PRIMARY                            | PRIMARY        | 4       | wfs-test.form.empid                  |    1 | NULL                                               |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | attachment_1                | ref    | PRIMARY,form_id                    | form_id        | 4       | wfs-test.form.id                     |    1 | Using where                                        |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | attachment_2                | ref    | PRIMARY,form_id                    | form_id        | 4       | wfs-test.form.id                     |    1 | Using where                                        |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | authorizing_director        | ref    | from,role                          | role           | 1       | const                                |    0 | Using where                                        |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | authorizing_director_user   | eq_ref | PRIMARY                            | PRIMARY        | 4       | wfs-test.authorizing_director.from   |    1 | NULL                                               |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | status_by                   | eq_ref | PRIMARY,role                       | PRIMARY        | 4       | wfs-test.form.statusby               |    1 | NULL                                               |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | status_by_role              | ALL    | PRIMARY                            | NULL           | NULL    | NULL                                 |    8 | Using where                                        |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | department                  | ALL    | PRIMARY                            | NULL           | NULL    | NULL                                 |    9 | Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | reporting_to_1_department   | eq_ref | PRIMARY                            | PRIMARY        | 4       | wfs-test.reporting_to_1.dept_id      |    1 | NULL                                               |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | section                     | eq_ref | PRIMARY                            | PRIMARY        | 4       | wfs-test.form.sectid                 |    1 | NULL                                               |
|  3 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | cns_form_attachments        | ref    | form_id                            | form_id        | 4       | wfs-test.form.id                     |    1 | NULL                                               |
|  2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | cns_form_attachments        | ref    | form_id                            | form_id        | 4       | wfs-test.form.id                     |    1 | NULL                                               |

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