- 这行代码
在 Chrome 中被正确处理,但是这本书没有添加到 Ember-Data 的 _activeAuthor 实例的 books 属性中。我不明白为什么? - 下面的代码将创建的 Book 添加到 Chapter 实例的 Book 属性(见注释)。它是一对多的关系(参见模型)。Ember-Data 似乎会自动填充 Book 实例上的相关记录。这是 Ember-Data 的正常行为吗?我应该让 Ember-Data 以一对多的方式填充关系的相关方,还是应该指定双方并保留两个实例?
- 我怀疑以下代码的问题之一是我没有正确处理承诺。此代码:
createChapter: function() {
//Getting the Author of the latestChapter or getting the first Author in the array
var _activeAuthor = null;
var authors = this.modelFor('user').get('authors').toArray();
var latestChapter = this.modelFor('user').get('latestChapter');
var latestAuthor = latestChapter.get('author');
if (latestChapter.content) {
_activeAuthor = latestAuthor;
} else {
_activeAuthor= authors[0];
var book = this.store.createRecord('book', {
title: 'click here to name your book',
author: _activeAuthor,
var chapter = this.store.createRecord('chapter', {
title: 'Click here to name your chapter',
book: book, // Add the created Book to the Book property of the Chapter instance
this.modelFor('user').set('latestChapter', chapter).save() //Identifying the latest created chapter at the lastestChapter;
console.log('New chapter created: ' + chapter.get('id'));
App.Author = DS.Model.extend({
type: DS.attr('string'),
authorTitle: DS.attr('string'),
userTitle: DS.attr('string'),
description: DS.attr('string'),
user: DS.belongsTo('user', {inverse: 'authors', async: true}),
books: DS.hasMany('book', { inverse: 'author', async: true}),
App.Book = DS.Model.extend({
title: DS.attr('string'),
icon: DS.attr('string'),
description: DS.attr('string'),
frequency: DS.attr('string'),
chapters: DS.hasMany('chapter', { inverse: 'book', async: true}),
author: DS.belongsTo('author', { inverse: 'books', async: true}),
App.Chapter = DS.Model.extend({
title: DS.attr('string'),
description: DS.attr('string'),
frequency: DS.attr('string'),
unit: DS.attr('string'),
aggregationMode: DS.attr('string'),
dashboard: DS.attr('boolean'),
statData : DS.attr('array'),
book: DS.belongsTo('book', { inverse: 'chapters', async: true}),