I'm struggling to install SQL Server 2008 R2 Native Client using MSIExec through VBScript. I'm trying to complete the installation without the user needing to interact with the installer but I'm getting the error message The required IACCEPTSQLNCLILICENSETERMS=YES command-line parameter is missing.
I'm trying to execute the code as below (which obviously incorporates the required parameter!) but I'm still getting the error message. Can anybody see what I'm doing wrong?
Dim wShell
Set wShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wShell.Run "msiexec.exe /i C:\sqlncli.msi /qb IACCEPTSQLNCLILICENSETERMS=YES"
wShell.Run "msiexec.exe /i C:\sqlncli.msi /qb IACCEPTSQLNCLILICENSETERMS="""YES""""
Just to clarify the exact command and outcome, see the picture below: