我使用来自http://www.basic-slider.com/的 bjqs 插件
我所说的事件/函数是指 onSlideChange, onSlideDisplay

我发现其他提供类似功能的插件(bxslider 有 onSlideBefore、onSlideAfter ..etc)但我无法更改使用的插件,因为它不是我的遗留代码,无法重新开始



更新我试过在[这里] 摆弄这个(请忽略丑陋的风格^_^)

 if (i == (length - 1)) {
        isLastSlide = "isLastSlide=\"true\"";
    $(".bjqs").append("<li " + isLastSlide 
+ "><img src='http://exmoorpet.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/cat.png' title='slide number " 
+ (i + 1) + "'></li>");



$('li[isLastSlide="TRUE"]:visible').css('background', 'red');



1-成功更改所需幻灯片的 css。

$('li[isLastSlide="true"]:visible').css('background', 'red');  



1 回答 1


在 aleha 的评论和链接的帮助下,我能够扩展插件以传递一个函数


(function($) {

"use strict";

$.fn.bjqs = function(o) {

    // slider default settings
    var defaults = {
        // w + h to enforce consistency
        width: 700,
        height: 300,
        // transition valuess
        animtype: 'fade',
        animduration: 450, // length of transition
        animspeed: 4000, // delay between transitions
        automatic: true, // enable/disable automatic slide rotation

        // control and marker configuration
        showcontrols: true, // enable/disable next + previous UI elements
        centercontrols: true, // vertically center controls
        nexttext: 'Next', // text/html inside next UI element
        prevtext: 'Prev', // text/html inside previous UI element
        showmarkers: true, // enable/disable individual slide UI markers
        centermarkers: true, // horizontally center markers

        // interaction values
        keyboardnav: true, // enable/disable keyboard navigation
        hoverpause: true, // enable/disable pause slides on hover

        // presentational options
        usecaptions: true, // enable/disable captions using img title attribute
        randomstart: false, // start from a random slide
        responsive: false     // enable responsive behaviour

        //custom callback
        ,custom: null

    // create settings from defauls and user options
    var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, o);

    // slider elements
    var $wrapper = this,
            $slider = $wrapper.find('ul.bjqs'),
            $slides = $slider.children('li'),
            // control elements
            $c_wrapper = null,
            $c_fwd = null,
            $c_prev = null,
            // marker elements
            $m_wrapper = null,
            $m_markers = null,
            // elements for slide animation
            $canvas = null,
            $clone_first = null,
            $clone_last = null;

    // state management object
    var state = {
        slidecount: $slides.length, // total number of slides
        animating: false, // bool: is transition is progress
        paused: false, // bool: is the slider paused
        currentslide: 1, // current slide being viewed (not 0 based)
        nextslide: 0, // slide to view next (not 0 based)
        currentindex: 0, // current slide being viewed (0 based)
        nextindex: 0, // slide to view next (0 based)
        interval: null              // interval for automatic rotation

    var responsive = {
        width: null,
        height: null,
        ratio: null

    // helpful variables
    var vars = {
        fwd: 'forward',
        prev: 'previous'

    // run through options and initialise settings
    var init = function() {

        // differentiate slider li from content li

        // conf dimensions, responsive or static
        if (settings.responsive) {
        else {

        // configurations only avaliable if more than 1 slide
        if (state.slidecount > 1) {

            // enable random start
            if (settings.randomstart) {

            // create and show controls
            if (settings.showcontrols) {

            // create and show markers
            if (settings.showmarkers) {

            // enable slidenumboard navigation
            if (settings.keyboardnav) {

            // enable pause on hover
            if (settings.hoverpause && settings.automatic) {

            // conf slide animation
            if (settings.animtype === 'slide') {

        } else {
            // Stop automatic animation, because we only have one slide! 
            settings.automatic = false;

        if (settings.usecaptions) {

        // TODO: need to accomodate random start for slide transition setting
        if (settings.animtype === 'slide' && !settings.randomstart) {
            state.currentindex = 1;
            state.currentslide = 2;

        // slide components are hidden by default, show them now

        // Finally, if automatic is set to true, kick off the interval
        if (settings.automatic) {
            state.interval = setInterval(function() {
                go(vars.fwd, false, settings.custom);
            }, settings.animspeed);


    var conf_responsive = function() {

        responsive.width = $wrapper.outerWidth();
        responsive.ratio = responsive.width / settings.width,
                responsive.height = settings.height * responsive.ratio;

        if (settings.animtype === 'fade') {

            // initial setup
                'height': settings.height,
                'width': '100%'
                'height': settings.height,
                'width': '100%'
                'height': settings.height,
                'width': '100%'
                'height': settings.height,
                'max-width': settings.width,
                'position': 'relative'

            if (responsive.width < settings.width) {

                    'height': responsive.height
                    'height': responsive.height
                    'height': responsive.height
                    'height': responsive.height


            $(window).resize(function() {

                // calculate and update dimensions
                responsive.width = $wrapper.outerWidth();
                responsive.ratio = responsive.width / settings.width,
                        responsive.height = settings.height * responsive.ratio;

                    'height': responsive.height
                    'height': responsive.height
                    'height': responsive.height
                    'height': responsive.height



        if (settings.animtype === 'slide') {

            // initial setup
                'height': settings.height,
                'width': settings.width
                'height': settings.height,
                'width': settings.width
                'height': settings.height,
                'width': settings.width * settings.slidecount
                'height': settings.height,
                'max-width': settings.width,
                'position': 'relative'

            if (responsive.width < settings.width) {

                    'height': responsive.height
                    'height': responsive.height
                    'height': responsive.height
                    'height': responsive.height


            $(window).resize(function() {

                // calculate and update dimensions
                responsive.width = $wrapper.outerWidth(),
                        responsive.ratio = responsive.width / settings.width,
                        responsive.height = settings.height * responsive.ratio;

                    'height': responsive.height,
                    'width': responsive.width
                    'height': responsive.height,
                    'width': responsive.width
                    'height': responsive.height,
                    'width': responsive.width * settings.slidecount
                    'height': responsive.height
                    'height': responsive.height,
                    'width': responsive.width

                resize_complete(function() {
                    go(false, state.currentslide, settings.custom);
                }, 200, "some unique string");




    var resize_complete = (function() {

        var timers = {};

        return function(callback, ms, uniqueId) {
            if (!uniqueId) {
                uniqueId = "Don't call this twice without a uniqueId";
            if (timers[uniqueId]) {
            timers[uniqueId] = setTimeout(callback, ms);


    // enforce fixed sizing on slides, slider and wrapper
    var conf_static = function() {

            'height': settings.height,
            'width': settings.width
            'height': settings.height,
            'width': settings.width
            'height': settings.height,
            'width': settings.width,
            'position': 'relative'


    var conf_slide = function() {

        // create two extra elements which are clones of the first and last slides
        $clone_first = $slides.eq(0).clone();
        $clone_last = $slides.eq(state.slidecount - 1).clone();

        // add them to the DOM where we need them
        $clone_first.attr({'data-clone': 'last', 'data-slide': 0}).appendTo($slider).show();
        $clone_last.attr({'data-clone': 'first', 'data-slide': 0}).prependTo($slider).show();

        // update the elements object
        $slides = $slider.children('li');
        state.slidecount = $slides.length;

        // create a 'canvas' element which is neccessary for the slide animation to work
        $canvas = $('<div class="bjqs-wrapper"></div>');

        // if the slider is responsive && the calculated width is less than the max width
        if (settings.responsive && (responsive.width < settings.width)) {

                'width': responsive.width,
                'height': responsive.height,
                'overflow': 'hidden',
                'position': 'relative'

            // update the dimensions to the slider to accomodate all the slides side by side
                'width': responsive.width * (state.slidecount + 2),
                'left': -responsive.width * state.currentslide

        else {

                'width': settings.width,
                'height': settings.height,
                'overflow': 'hidden',
                'position': 'relative'

            // update the dimensions to the slider to accomodate all the slides side by side
                'width': settings.width * (state.slidecount + 2),
                'left': -settings.width * state.currentslide


        // add some inline styles which will align our slides for left-right sliding
            'float': 'left',
            'position': 'relative',
            'display': 'list-item'

        // 'everything.. in it's right place'


    var conf_controls = function() {

        // create the elements for the controls
        $c_wrapper = $('<ul class="bjqs-controls"></ul>');
        $c_fwd = $('<li class="bjqs-next"><a href="#" data-direction="' + vars.fwd + '">' + settings.nexttext + '</a></li>');
        $c_prev = $('<li class="bjqs-prev"><a href="#" data-direction="' + vars.prev + '">' + settings.prevtext + '</a></li>');

        // bind click events
        $c_wrapper.on('click', 'a', function(e) {

            var direction = $(this).attr('data-direction');

            if (!state.animating) {

                if (direction === vars.fwd) {
                    go(vars.fwd, false, settings.custom);

                if (direction === vars.prev) {
                    go(vars.prev, false, settings.custom);



        // put 'em all together

        // vertically center the controls
        if (settings.centercontrols) {


            // calculate offset % for vertical positioning
            var offset_px = ($wrapper.height() - $c_fwd.children('a').outerHeight()) / 2,
                    ratio = (offset_px / settings.height) * 100,
                    offset = ratio + '%';

            $c_fwd.find('a').css('top', offset);
            $c_prev.find('a').css('top', offset);



    var conf_markers = function() {

        // create a wrapper for our markers
        $m_wrapper = $('<ol class="bjqs-markers"></ol>');

        // for every slide, create a marker
        $.each($slides, function(key, slide) {

            var slidenum = key + 1,
                    gotoslide = key + 1;

            if (settings.animtype === 'slide') {
                // + 2 to account for clones
                gotoslide = key + 2;

            var marker = $('<li><a href="#">' + slidenum + '</a></li>');

            // set the first marker to be active
            if (slidenum === state.currentslide) {

            // bind the click event
            marker.on('click', 'a', function(e) {
                if (!state.animating && state.currentslide !== gotoslide) {
                    go(false, gotoslide, settings.custom);

            // add the marker to the wrapper


        $m_markers = $m_wrapper.find('li');

        // center the markers
        if (settings.centermarkers) {
            var offset = (settings.width - $m_wrapper.width()) / 2;
            $m_wrapper.css('left', offset);


    var conf_keynav = function() {

        $(document).keyup(function(event) {

            if (!state.paused) {
                state.paused = true;

            if (!state.animating) {
                if (event.keyCode === 39) {
                    go(vars.fwd, false, settings.custom);
                } else if (event.keyCode === 37) {
                    go(vars.prev, false, settings.custom);

            if (state.paused && settings.automatic) {
                state.interval = setInterval(function() {
                }, settings.animspeed);
                state.paused = false;



    var conf_hoverpause = function() {

        $wrapper.hover(function() {
            if (!state.paused) {
                state.paused = true;
        }, function() {
            if (state.paused) {
                state.interval = setInterval(function() {
                    go(vars.fwd, false, settings.custom);
                }, settings.animspeed);
                state.paused = false;


    var conf_captions = function() {

        $.each($slides, function(key, slide) {

            var caption = $(slide).children('img:first-child').attr('title');

            // Account for images wrapped in links
            if (!caption) {
                caption = $(slide).children('a').find('img:first-child').attr('title');

            if (caption) {
                caption = $('<p class="bjqs-caption">' + caption + '</p>');



    var conf_random = function() {

        var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * state.slidecount) + 1;
        state.currentslide = rand;
        state.currentindex = rand - 1;


    var set_next = function(direction) {

        if (direction === vars.fwd) {

            if ($slides.eq(state.currentindex).next().length) {
                state.nextindex = state.currentindex + 1;
                state.nextslide = state.currentslide + 1;
            else {
                state.nextindex = 0;
                state.nextslide = 1;

        else {

            if ($slides.eq(state.currentindex).prev().length) {
                state.nextindex = state.currentindex - 1;
                state.nextslide = state.currentslide - 1;
            else {
                state.nextindex = state.slidecount - 1;
                state.nextslide = state.slidecount;



    var go = function(direction, position, custom) {

        // only if we're not already doing things
        if (!state.animating) {

            // doing things
            state.animating = true;

            if (position) {
                state.nextslide = position;
                state.nextindex = position - 1;
            else {

            // fade animation
            if (settings.animtype === 'fade') {

                if (settings.showmarkers) {

                // fade out current
                // fade in next
                $slides.eq(state.nextindex).fadeIn(settings.animduration, function() {

                    // update state variables
                    state.animating = false;
                    state.currentslide = state.nextslide;
                    state.currentindex = state.nextindex;



            // slide animation
            if (settings.animtype === 'slide') {

                if (settings.showmarkers) {

                    var markerindex = state.nextindex - 1;

                    if (markerindex === state.slidecount - 2) {
                        markerindex = 0;
                    else if (markerindex === -1) {
                        markerindex = state.slidecount - 3;


                // if the slider is responsive && the calculated width is less than the max width
                if (settings.responsive && (responsive.width < settings.width)) {
                    state.slidewidth = responsive.width;
                else {
                    state.slidewidth = settings.width;

                $slider.animate({'left': -state.nextindex * state.slidewidth}, settings.animduration, function() {

                    state.currentslide = state.nextslide;
                    state.currentindex = state.nextindex;

                    // is the current slide a clone?
                    if ($slides.eq(state.currentindex).attr('data-clone') === 'last') {

                        // affirmative, at the last slide (clone of first)
                        $slider.css({'left': -state.slidewidth});
                        state.currentslide = 2;
                        state.currentindex = 1;

                    else if ($slides.eq(state.currentindex).attr('data-clone') === 'first') {

                        // affirmative, at the fist slide (clone of last)
                        $slider.css({'left': -state.slidewidth * (state.slidecount - 2)});
                        state.currentslide = state.slidecount - 1;
                        state.currentindex = state.slidecount - 2;


                    state.animating = false;



        if (typeof custom !== "undefined" || custom === null) {
            if (typeof custom == "function") {

    // lets get the party started :)


于 2015-01-13T12:52:17.503 回答