My first time to post in here. Can't find any answer anywhere on my question. Please anyone:

I used earlier the iOS-Universal-Framework / fake framework to build two big frameworks, that depends of each other. So f.x. just to clarify:

Framework 1 (F1) has class A, B, C, ...
Framework 2 (F2) has class D, E, F, ...

So, what I normally did was to:
1) compile F1 with a global macro 'ENABLE_F2_METHODS_AND_TYPES' = 0
2) then moved to F2 and compiled F2 similarly with a macro 'ENABLE_F1_METHODS_AND_TYPES' = 0
Now both framework exists with class, types, etc.
3) compile F1 with macro = 1
4) compile F2 with macro = 1

That was all.

Now, the iOS-Universal-Framework is deprecated, and I have decided to move the frameworks into Cocoa Touch frameworks. So, at this moment, I have two Touch frameworks, but if I try to do similar approach, I successfully compile the two first steps, but not the third step.

I try to do some different attempts but didn't succeed.

I get the error:

Cannot find interface declaration for 'B' superclass of 'D';

so, what I tried is to add the #import "<F1/B.h>", but then get the error

Cyclic dependency in module 'F2': F2 -> F1 -> F2

How to solve this? Any other ideas?

IF succeeded, how to avoid that the frameworks is not going to be integrated into each other (Umbrella framework), but standalone frameworks. What I mean, in the

'Project' -> General -> 'Linked Frameworks and Libraries' -> I can choose "Required/Optional'.... Will that help or?

Thanks in advance.


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