I've been able to successfully bind a DropDown control in SAPUI5 to list values based on one model. My questions is: how do I bind a DropDown to one model that contains all possible values and one model that contains the actual value for that record?


Table (and first Model)

Name School

John Hopkins

Mary Horner

The school column is a DropDown, if I bind the DropDown to this model these are the only two schools that show up when in actuality there are five possible schools to choose based on the following model:

Second Model


  • American
  • Hopkins
  • Horner
  • Thornton
  • Walters

Thought this would be simple, but haven;t been able to figure it out or find an example with searches.


1 回答 1


我不太确定我是否完全理解您想要做什么,但是您可以轻松地将 selectedKey 属性绑定到与填充项目的模型不同的模型:

我为您创建了一个示例:http: //jsbin.com/qipedoyufa/12/edit ?html,js,output


更新:我想我现在知道你的意思了,这是表格中的一个例子:http: //jsbin.com/tefijezete/2/edit ?html,js,output

于 2015-01-12T08:15:33.767 回答