我的 Web 应用程序通过 Geoserver 2.6.0 为 Postgis 的 OpenLayers 地图提供 WMS 图层,它工作正常且符合预期。用户可以通过其属性(通过 HTML 中的下拉框)过滤 WMS 图层的某些元素,并且图层按预期更新。我现在想添加一个额外的下拉框来改变 WMS 图层的样式,具体取决于额外的下拉框值。附加下拉菜单的样式选项非常简单,“正常”或“突出显示”。我认为在 javascript 中使用简单的“if else”语句会强制图层以这两种样式之一绘制。然而不幸的是,当用户选择新样式并单击更新按钮时,样式没有更新,经过几天的努力,我完全陷入了困境。
图层样式的 SLD 语法可以单独工作(它们在 Gesoserver 界面中验证)它们只是不能以这种方式一起工作,只保留第一种样式。
<p>Country filter:</p>
<select id="cql1">
<option value="country LIKE 'england'">england</option>
<option value="country LIKE 'wales'">wales</option>
<p>Road type filter:</p>
<select id="cql2">
<option value="road LIKE 'a-road'">main road</option>
<option value="road LIKE 'b-road'">minor road</option>
<p>Status filter:</p>
<select id="cql3">
<option value="status LIKE 'in use'">in use</option>
<option value="status LIKE 'under construction'">under construction</option>
<p>Line style:</p>
<select id="line_style">
<option value="normal">Normal</option>
<option value="highlight">Highlight</option>
<input type="submit" value="update" onclick="updateFilter(this);">
var roads;
// function that updates the WMS layer following user selection
function updateFilter() {
var cql1 = document.getElementById("cql1");
var cql2 = document.getElementById("cql2");
var cql3 = document.getElementById("cql3");
var line_style = document.getElementById("line_style");
var format = new OpenLayers.Format.CQL();
if (roads.params.CQL_FILTER) {
delete roads.params.CQL_FILTER;
var filter1;
var filter2;
var filter3;
try {
filter1 = format.read(cql1.value);
filter2 = format.read(cql2.value);
filter3 = format.read(cql3.value);
} catch (err) {
if ((cql1.value != "") || (cql2.value != "") || (cql3.value != "") || (line_style.value != "")) { //if cannot read one of the values
alert("One of the filters cannot be processed");
if ((filter1) || (filter2) || (filter3) & (line_style.value = 'normal')) {
layer.clearGrid(); // This gets rid of the previous WMS display...
'STYLES': "layer_normal",
'CQL_FILTER': cql1.value + " AND " + cql2.value + " AND " + cql3.value
} else {
layer.clearGrid(); // This gets rid of the previous WMS display...
'STYLES': "layer_highlight",
'CQL_FILTER': cql1.value + " AND " + cql2.value + " AND " + cql3.value
force: true
return false;
// Details of the WMS layer itself
roads = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
"Filter Selection",
"http://www.example.com/geoserver/roads/wms", {
LAYERS: 'data:roads',
format: 'image/png',
srs: 'ESPG:3857',
transparent: true
}, {
transitionEffect: null,
buffer: 1,
visibility: true,
isBaseLayer: false