当我向 wordpress 编辑器添加一些代码时遇到问题,它会自动添加一些 HTML span<br/>并且<p>它还会删除我的<div>标签或删除它的类是否有任何插件或钩子可以在特定的帖子或页面上实现,我没有找到任何在我的网站上实施休息的解决方案。就像这里是我想在 wordpress 编辑器中添加的代码。

<div class="home_book">
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    <img src="http://mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/someimage.png" alt="" class="center-block" />
  <p>6th grade Valerie Marzden’s school year is pretty normal. But real life problems turn this clever girl into a biz-whiz kid overnight. Can she pull her family and friends out of impending disaster?</p>
 <a class="btn btn-default btn-md custom_color_btn text-center" href="#" role="button">Order Now</a>


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这是使用 wordpress 插件https://wordpress.org/plugins/raw-html/的解决方案,只需使用简码[raw] Your HTML code [/raw]

于 2015-01-12T08:46:56.883 回答