R 包并阅读手册。:)
addPlot {ReporteRs}
addPlot(doc, fun, pointsize = 12, vector.graphic = F, ...)
logical scalar, if TRUE, vector graphics are produced instead of PNG images.
SVG will be produced for bsdoc objects and DrawingML instructions for docx and
pptx objects.
DrawingML instructions offer advantage to provide editable graphics
(forms and text colors , text contents, moving and resizing is disabled).
关键段落:[...] pptx 对象的 DrawingML 指令。DrawingML指令提供 [the] 优势 [of] 提供 [ing] 可编辑图形。
我现在可以在 Powerpoint 中编辑在 R 中创建的图形:图例、轴文本、所有图形符号。一切。这是圣诞节来得早!感谢 ReporterRs 的创作者!我现在可以在 3 小时内完成以前需要 300 小时的工作!惊人。
library( ReporteRs )
require( ggplot2 )
mydoc = pptx( )
mydoc = addSlide( mydoc, slide.layout = "Title and Content" )
mydoc = addTitle( mydoc, "Plot examples" )
myplot = qplot(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length
, data = iris, color = Species
, size = Petal.Width, alpha = I(0.7)
# Add titles and then 'myplot'
mydoc = addPlot( mydoc, function( ) print( myplot ), vector.graphic=TRUE)
writeDoc( mydoc, file = "~/CustomReport.pptx" )