2 回答 2


There's a delightful solution here to finding the first responder by exploiting the responder chain.

Once you know the first responder, it's easy to ask if the current responder chain handles a particular action. You can even find out who'll be handling it, should you wish.

const SEL action = @selector(theActionYouWantToSend);
UIResponder *const currentTarget = [[UIResponder firstResponder] targetForAction: action  withSender: self];
const bool actionIsHandled = currentTarget != nil;
于 2015-01-09T16:07:28.380 回答

You can check if the responder can respond to the action like this:

[aResponder respondsToSelector:@selector(methodToSend)];

If it can respond, it'll return YES. Then you know it's safe to call that method

于 2015-01-09T16:00:01.767 回答