I have went through this link https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/WI/Live+Edit as well as this question thread Webstorm LiveEdit for chrome not working and I still cannot get my Webstorm live edit to work.

I have the live edit plugin enabled, the auto reload setting on (300ms) and the jetbrains chrome extension installed. When I activate debug mode the project opens up fine in the browser but the page does not actively reload when I adjust the content or save the file. One thing I have noticed (and the above links recommend) is to make sure that Live Edit is clicked in the view menu dropdown but I do not have that option in regular run or debug mode.

Any idea how I can get this to work properly? If you need more information to solve this issue please let me know.


2 回答 2



尝试右键单击 html 文件(假设 index.html),然后选择选项 debug index.html。然后这将在顶部生成一个选项。因此,每次单击错误图标时,它都会打开 Chrome,并且您对 index.html 所做的每项更改都会立即显示在 Chrome 上。

此外,如果您在 WebStorm 中选择一些代码,它将在 Chrome 上显示为黄色。

于 2015-03-14T23:34:10.110 回答

我今天遇到了同样的问题。我正在使用 WebStorm 2016.2.2。此外,chrome 的扩展确实想要连接。以下步骤解决了我的问题:

验证 IDE 中的配置是否与浏览器中的扩展相匹配。



将 URL 路径复制到 63342。现在让我们转到浏览器。右键单击 JB 扩展图标。


确保您的扩展设置与 IDE 配置匹配,如下所示。


希望这对新版本的 WS 有所帮助!!!

于 2016-08-28T18:25:52.673 回答