I have a whole bunch of hex strings (56 bits or 112 bits), which I need to extract different parts from, after converting to a binary string.
How I would normally do it is either substring the parts, or try my luck with bit shifting, but instead of having ~20 lines of Integer.parseInt(binary.substring(...)), I would like to apply some kind of pattern to it.
Any ideas, other than mine below, which is kind of stupid and slow; how to extract a-b, c-d, x-y parts of a binary string? I guess one would need to apply bit shifting, but that would also take multiple lines. I'm fine with a couple of lines, but I really dislike the ~20 substring calls.
Here's my attempt at something like this.
String p = "(?<df>\\d{5})(?<ca>\\d{3})(?<aa>\\d{24})(?<pl>\\d{0,56})(?<pi>(\\d{24}))";
String packet = "1000110101010000001011001010010110011001000100010110111100100000010010000000010010001000001010111001101101101010";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(p);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(packet);
while (matcher.find())
System.out.printf("df=%s, ca=%s, aa=%s, pl=%s, pi=%s\n", matcher.group("df"),
matcher.group("ca"), matcher.group("aa"), matcher.group("pl"), matcher.group("pi"));
df=10001, ca=101, aa=010100000010110010100101, pl=10011001000100010110111100100000010010000000010010001000, pi=001010111001101101101010
df=10001, ca=101, aa=010100000010110010100101, pl=10011001000100010110111100100000010010000000010010001000, pi=001010111001101101101010
df=10001, ca=101, aa=010100000010110010100101, pl=10011001000100010110111100100000010010000000010010001000, pi=001010111001101101101010
Any ideas are greatly appreciated