
我需要一个特性,以便我可以将一些直接的 HTML 文件放入以 rst 格式编写的博客文章中。我还希望渲染这些 HTML 文件。

用例是这样的:我想展示一些 html 代码以及它在浏览器上的样子。

PS:我知道如何附加代码块,但这个要求与此相反,我希望 HTML 文件被实际呈现,而不是受到保护。


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You can give the HTML subheading to the raw directive and the content will be rendered.

.. raw:: html

    <p> I need a feature, so that I can put some direct HTML in the blog articles written in <b>rst</b> format. I also want those htmls to be rendered.</p>

See here: How to embed HTML in restructured text file?

please note: there must be a newline between the ..raw:: directive and the actual raw html.

于 2015-01-08T13:40:03.237 回答