我已经在 marklogic 中加载了 XHTML 文件。但需要对属性、元素和文本进行搜索。所以我需要将文档作为文本获取/加载并在文档上执行搜索。
下面是 XHTML 文件。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<body class="Default">
Using below code I am ble to save text file but it will aloow to save (>0.2KB )small size file. I need to save upto 1 to 50MB files in marklogic DB.
Using below code I am able to save file as text but big file not able to save.
ContentCreateOptions createOptions = ContentCreateOptions.newTextInstance();
Content content = ContentFactory.newContent("/"+uID,filetext, createOptions);