我尝试在 AWS 中构建 1 个 ubuntu Web 服务器实例,配置如下: 1 个 Ubuntu 实例,带有 2 个网络接口,其中 1 个用于公共接口(http 和 https)(eth0),另一个用于 mgmt 控制台(ssh:22)( eth1) 并且每个接口都有弹性IP。
eth0 have inbound for port 80 and 443 from any ip
while eth1 have inbound for port 22 from any ip
下面是我的界面 - VPC 配置。
- public interface (eth0) and mgmt interface (eth1) is at the same VPC but different subnet.
eth0 is at public subnet with public route table (local and internet gateway)
eth1 is at private subnet with public route table (local and internet gateway) *later i will change with pvt subnet and allow access only through vpn.