I created an android project in Android Eclipse and I want to connect to the database I've created in SQLite Manager.

The database will be saved locally. It is basically a read only only app, there are no create delete update actions done by the user. My queries will be a lot of select queries. I have my data base made and want to import it into android project. What are the steps? I have my model classes created. What else do I need in order to have to connected? Do I store the SQLite file in the assets folder etc?

I have the database made in the firefox addon SQLite Manager!


2 回答 2


DB 浏览器是创建数据库的工具,你应该从你的应用程序连接到这个数据库。我不确定您的应用程序在什么时候使用数据库?也许本教程将帮助您在此处输入链接描述

于 2015-01-06T15:45:07.737 回答

你可以看看这些关于 SQLite 主题的教程,我最近为一个客户端构建了一个 swing 应用程序,我发现这些非常有用。

它包含大量有关与实际 SQLite 数据库的连接、查询以及如何逐步执行每个查询的信息。

如果遇到任何问题,您可能还想查看java 文档。


PS我也为此使用了SQLite Manager mozilla插件,我没有遇到任何问题。

于 2015-01-06T16:21:05.097 回答