• oCount = openList 中的元素数
  • cCount = closedList 中的元素数

我正在基于图块的环境中实现没有对角线移动的 A-star。当我尝试访问其中的最后一个元素时(当 oCount = 0 时使用 [oCount - 1]),每隔一段时间,就会在我的 openList 上引发“索引超出范围错误”。oCount 只有在 cCount 为 159 时才变为 0,这表明 closedList 已经使用了 openList 中的每个元素。这是一个例子:

cCount 变为 159 -> oCount 为 0 -> 检查 closedList[158] 中瓷砖周围的瓷砖 -> 没有有效的瓷砖 -> 返回 while 循环的开头 -> 尝试将 openList 中的最后一个元素移动到 closedList(错误)

这是我的 FindPath() 方法:( 图块的网格位置基于其在数组中的位置(即 tile[0,0] 是左上角的图块)

//xBound + yBound = the bounding area with which the character can walk
public List<int> FindPath(Tile[,] tile, Vector2 xBoundary, Vector2 yBoundary, Vector2 startTile, Vector2 endTile)
        //Initialize variables
        List<Tile> openList = new List<Tile>();
        List<Tile> closedList = new List<Tile>();
        List<int> path = new List<int>();
        int cCount = 0;  
        int oCount = 0;

        tile[(int)startTile.X, (int)startTile.Y].PDir = 0; //PDir = direction to its parent tile

        //Add starting tile to openList
        openList.Add(tile[(int)startTile.X, (int)startTile.Y]);

        //Set scores for starting tile
        openList[0].G = 0;
        openList[0].H = (int)Math.Abs(endTile.X - startTile.X) + (int)Math.Abs(endTile.Y - startTile.Y);
        openList[0].F = openList[0].G + openList[0].H;

        while (path.Count == 0)
            oCount = openList.Count;

            //Sort openList by decreasing F score
            openList = Sort(openList);

            //Move tile with lowest F score from openList to closedList
            closedList.Add(openList[oCount - 1]); //ERROR OCCURS HERE
            openList.RemoveAt(oCount - 1);
            cCount = closedList.Count;

            //Add valid surrounding tiles OR Alter valid existing tiles
            for (int a = -1; a < 2; a += 2) //[a = difference in grid x-position]
                //If tile is walkable, not in closed list, and within set boundaries...
                if (tile[closedList[cCount - 1].X + a, closedList[cCount - 1].Y].Collision == false
                    && !closedList.Contains(tile[closedList[cCount - 1].X + a, closedList[cCount - 1].Y])
                    && closedList[cCount - 1].X + a >= xBoundary.X && closedList[cCount - 1].X + a <= xBoundary.Y       //Test if boundaries must be < or <=
                    && closedList[cCount - 1].Y >= yBoundary.X && closedList[cCount - 1].Y <= yBoundary.Y)
                    //If tile not in open list...
                    if (!openList.Contains(tile[closedList[cCount - 1].X + a, closedList[cCount - 1].Y]))
                        //Add tile
                        openList.Add(tile[closedList[cCount - 1].X + a, closedList[cCount - 1].Y]);
                        oCount = openList.Count;

                        //Set parent direction
                        if (a == -1)
                            tile[closedList[cCount - 1].X + a, closedList[cCount - 1].Y].PDir = 1;
                        else if (a == 1)
                            tile[closedList[cCount - 1].X + a, closedList[cCount - 1].Y].PDir = 3;

                        //Calculate F, G and H
                        openList[oCount - 1].G = closedList[cCount - 1].G + 1;
                        openList[oCount - 1].H = (int)Math.Abs(endTile.X - openList[oCount - 1].X) + (int)Math.Abs(endTile.Y - openList[oCount - 1].Y);
                        openList[oCount - 1].F = openList[oCount - 1].G + openList[oCount - 1].H;

                    //otherwise, check if current path is better than the previous path that tile had...
                    else if (closedList[cCount - 1].G + 1 < tile[closedList[cCount - 1].X + a, closedList[cCount - 1].Y].G)
                        //Set new parent direction
                        if (a == -1)
                            tile[closedList[cCount - 1].X + a, closedList[cCount - 1].Y].PDir = 1;
                        else if (a == 1)
                            tile[closedList[cCount - 1].X + a, closedList[cCount - 1].Y].PDir = 3;

                        //Re-calculate G and H values
                        int g = closedList[cCount - 1].G + 1;
                        int h = (int)Math.Abs(endTile.X - tile[closedList[cCount - 1].X + a, closedList[cCount - 1].Y].X) + (int)Math.Abs(endTile.Y - tile[closedList[cCount - 1].X + a, closedList[cCount - 1].Y].Y);

                        //Set values to tile
                        tile[closedList[cCount - 1].X + a, closedList[cCount - 1].Y].G = g;
                        tile[closedList[cCount - 1].X + a, closedList[cCount - 1].Y].H = h;
                        tile[closedList[cCount - 1].X + a, closedList[cCount - 1].Y].F = g + h;     //including f-value...

            // Above for-loop repeated for [b = difference in y-position]


            //If at endTile...
            if (closedList[cCount - 1].Y == endTile.Y && closedList[cCount - 1].X == endTile.X)
                path = PlotPath(tile, tile[(int)startTile.X, (int)startTile.Y], tile[(int)endTile.X, (int)endTile.Y]);

        return path;



- 编辑 -

根据 user3444160 的要求,这是堆栈跟踪(我相信):

Mini RPG (test1).exe!Mini_RPG__test1_.AI.FindPath(Mini_RPG__test1_.Tile[,] tile, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2 xBoundary, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2 yBoundary, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2 startTile, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2 endTile) Line 45  C#

Mini RPG (test1).exe!Mini_RPG__test1_.Character1.UpdateDecisions(Mini_RPG__test1_.Tile[,] tileArray) Line 106 + 0xa9 bytes  C#

Mini RPG (test1).exe!Mini_RPG__test1_.Character1.Update(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime gameTime, Mini_RPG__test1_.Tile[,] tileArray) Line 69 + 0xb bytes  C#

Mini RPG (test1).exe!Mini_RPG__test1_.Game1.Update(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime gameTime) Line 745 + 0x28 bytes C#

[External Code] 
Mini RPG (test1).exe!Mini_RPG__test1_.Program.Main(string[] args) Line 15 + 0xb bytes   C#

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