UK is currently 1 hour ahead of UTC due to Daylight Savings Time. When I check the Daylight Bias value from GetTimeZoneInformation it is currently -60. Does that mean that translating UTC to DST means DST = UTC + -1 * DaylightBias, ie negate and add?

I thought in this case for instance adding Daylight Bias to UTC is the correct operation, hence requiring DaylightBias to be 60 rather than -60.


1 回答 1



UTC = DST + DaylightBias [针对您的特定时区]

所以是的,你会从 UTC 中减去偏差以获得本地时间。
这是来自 MS 词汇表的引用:

时区偏差:与协调世界时 (UTC) 的正、零或负偏移量(以分钟为单位)。例如,中欧时间 (MET, GMT+01:00) 的时区偏差为“-60”,因为它比 UTC 早一小时。太平洋标准时间 (PST, GMT-08:00) 的时区偏差为“+480”,因为它比 UTC 晚 8 小时。

于 2010-05-27T20:59:17.803 回答