We are planning to create a wrapper REST service in WCF with 2 or more WCF REST services under it (not exposed to client). This wrapper service just needs to call these individual services, combine their JSON response and send it back to the client. Is there any inbuilt framework I can use within WCF?

I want to avoid using BizTalk or any other third party framework.


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您可以使用带有 WebHttpBinding 的 WCF Web HTTP 编程模型来执行此操作。您可以在此处找到有关编程模型的文档:http: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/bb412172 (v=vs.100).aspx

也就是说,WCF 中没有任何内容专门针对您的特定场景;它就像任何其他服务一样。

另一个替代实现框架是 ASP.NET MVC WebAPI,它现在是 REST 和基于 HTTP 的服务的首选编程模型,因为它提供了更简单的编程模型。您可以在此处找到相关文档:http ://www.asp.net/web-api

于 2015-01-06T13:31:06.817 回答