众所周知,System.Transactions 将涉及到同一数据库的多个连接的事务升级到 DTC。下面的模块和帮助程序类ConnectionContext
(通过连接字符串获取连接时没有锁定可能一文不值,因为 Transaction.Current 是ThreadStatic
type ConnectionContext(connection:IDbConnection, ownsConnection) =
member x.Connection = connection
member x.OwnsConnection = ownsConnection
interface IDisposable with
member x.Dispose() = if ownsConnection then connection.Dispose()
module ConnectionManager =
let private _connections = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, IDbConnection>>()
let private getTid (t:Transaction) = t.TransactionInformation.LocalIdentifier
let private removeConnection tid =
let cl = _connections.[tid]
for (KeyValue(_, con)) in cl do
lock _connections (fun () -> _connections.Remove(tid) |> ignore)
let getConnection connectionString (openConnection:(unit -> IDbConnection)) =
match Transaction.Current with
| null -> new ConnectionContext(openConnection(), true)
| current ->
let tid = getTid current
// get connections for the current transaction
let connections =
match _connections.TryGetValue(tid) with
| true, cl -> cl
| false, _ ->
let cl = Dictionary<_,_>()
lock _connections (fun () -> _connections.Add(tid, cl))
// find connection for this connection string
let connection =
match connections.TryGetValue(connectionString) with
| true, con -> con
| false, _ ->
let initial = (connections.Count = 0)
let con = openConnection()
connections.Add(connectionString, con)
// if this is the first connection for this transaction, register connections for cleanup
if initial then
(fun args ->
let id = getTid args.Transaction
removeConnection id)
new ConnectionContext(connection, false)